The Foot and Lower Leg
Foot and Lower Leg ► 15% of lower leg injuries involve this area ► 20,000 ankle sprains a day in the USA ► The foot absorbs 3x body weight during running and jumping.
Basic Anatomy of the Foot and Ankle ► Three Arches enable us to absorb forces Transverse Arch Medial Longitudinal Arch Lateral Longitudinal Arch
The Three Arches ► Transverse Arch Goes across the width of the foot Comprised of the cuneiforms (all three), the cuboid, and the base of the fifth metatarsal.
The Three Arches ► Medial longitudinal arch- the highest and most important arch in the foot. Goes the length of the foot on the medial side. Comprised of the calcaneus, talus, navicular, cuneiforms and the first three metatarsals.
The Three Arches ► Lateral longitudinal arch- the arch next to the medial one that is flatter and lower. Goes the length of the foot on the lateral side. Comprised of the calcaneus, talus, cuboid, and the forth and fifth metatarsals.
The Foot The arches maintain the shape of the foot with the help of muscles, ligaments and tendons. Each foot has 26 bones and 38 joints. There are 3 segments of the foot ► Tarsal bones ► Midfoot Region ► Phalanges
Joints of the Ankle/Foot ► Talocrural Joint-joint in the ankle found between the tibia, fibula, and talus. Dorsi/plantar flexion ► Subtalar Joint-joint in the ankle found between the talus and calcaneus.
Ligaments ► Medial Side/Eversion Sprain Deltoid Ligament Spring Ligament- AKA the Plantar Calcaneonavicular ligament. AKA the Plantar Calcaneonavicular ligament.
Ligaments ► Lateral Side/Inversion Sprain ATF-Anterior Talofibular Ligament CF-Calcaneofibular Ligament PTF-Posterior Talofibular Ligament
Bones of the Lower Leg ► Tibia-medial bone that transmits the weight of the body to the talus. It has the medial malleoli as a landmark. ► Fibula-lateral bone that acts as a stabilizer of the ankle joint. It has the lateral malleoli as a landmark. Limited weight bearing
Muscles of the Lower Leg/Foot ► Intrinsic Muscles-located within the foot and cause movement of the toes. ► Extrinsic Muscles-Located outside the foot, in the lower leg. Gastrocnemius-Plantar flex foot, supinates foot Soleus-Plantar flex foot (to isolate flex knee) Tibialis Anterior- Doriflex foot Peroneus Longus- Evert foot, plantarflex foot