Ankle Labeling Sports Med 2
Medial Lateral Fibula Tibia Calcaneus Talus Navicular Cuneiforms Sesamoid Metatarsals Phalanges Fibula Tibia Calcaneus Metatarsals Cuboid Navicular Talus Cuneiforms
Label: -Long plantar lig (2) -Bifurcate -Dorsal calcaneocuboid lig -Plantar calcaneonavicular lig (spring lig) *
Label Cuneiforms
4 arches of the foot Key to foot function Absorbs impact ◦Transverse arch ◦Medial longitudinal arch ◦Lateral longitudinal arch ◦Anterior Metatarsal arch
Medial Longitudinal Arch ◦Highest and most important ◦Made up of: calcaneus, talus, navicular, cuneiforms, first 3 metatarsals Draw arch, color bones it supports
Lateral Longitudinal Arch ◦Lower and flatter ◦Made up of the calcaneus, talus, cuboid, 4 th & 5 th metatarsals
Transverse Arch ◦Made up of: cuneiforms, cuboid, the five metatarsal bases
Anterior metatarsal Arch Covers 1 st – 5 th metatarsal heads