Ankle, Foot & Lower Leg Muscles and Movements Look at your coloring sheet as you go thru these
Achilles Tendon
OriginOrigin –Stems from the distal ends of both the Soleus and Gastrocnemius Muscles InsertionInsertion –Posterior Surface of the Calcaneus PalpationPalpation –Very easy to palpate the distal end of the calf to the Calcaneus
Motions Plantar Flexion Dorsal Flexion InversionEversion Extend Great Toe Flex Great Toe Extend Toes Flex Toes xx xx
Extensor Digitorum Longus
OriginOrigin –Lateral Condyle of the tibia, Fibular Head, upper two thirds of anterior fibula InsertionInsertion –Tops of the Distal and Middle Phalanges PalpationPalpation –2nd Muscle upper lateral side of tibia / RROM Toe ext dorsal foot
Motions Plantar Flexion Dorsal Flexion InversionEversion Extend Great Toe Flex Great Toe Extend Toes Flex Toes x x x
Extensor Digitorum Brevis
OriginOrigin –Anterior/Lateral Surface of the Calcaneus InsertionInsertion –Tops of the Distal and Middle Phalanges PalpationPalpation –Can not
Motions Plantar Flexion Dorsal Flexion InversionEversion Extend Great Toe Flex Great Toe Extend Toes Flex Toes x
Extensor Hallucis Longus
OriginOrigin –Middle 2/3 of medial anterior fibula InsertionInsertion –Top of the distal 1st Phalange PalpationPalpation –RROM Great Toe Ext
Motions Plantar Flexion Dorsal Flexion InversionEversion Extend Great Toe Flex Great Toe Extend Toes Flex Toes x x x
Extensor Hallucis Brevis
OriginOrigin –Anterior Lateral part of the upper Calcaneus InsertionInsertion –Dorsal surface on the base of the 1 st Proximal Phalange PalpationPalpation –Can Not
Motions Plantar Flexion Dorsal Flexion InversionEversion Extend Great Toe Flex Great Toe Extend Toes Flex Toes x
Flexor Digitorum Longus
OriginOrigin –lower two thirds of the posterior tibia InsertionInsertion –Base of the distal phalanx of toes 2-5 PalpationPalpation –Can not palpate
Motions Plantar Flexion Dorsal Flexion InversionEversion Extend Great Toe Flex Great Toe Extend Toes Flex Toes xx x
Flexor Digitorum Brevis
OriginOrigin –Medial Calcaneal Tuberosity InsertionInsertion –Divides into two heads at the base of the Proximal Phalange –Allowing the FDL to slip through –Attaching to each side of the middle phalange 2-5 PalpationPalpation –Plantar side of the foot with RROM Toe Flexion
Motions Plantar Flexion Dorsal Flexion InversionEversion Extend Great Toe Flex Great Toe Extend Toes Flex Toes x
Flexor Hallucis Longus
OriginOrigin –Lower two thirds of the posterior fibula InsertionInsertion –Base of the distal posterior big toe PalpationPalpation –Down the medial malleolus RROM Big toe flexion
Motions Plantar Flexion Dorsal Flexion InversionEversion Extend Great Toe Flex Great Toe Extend Toes Flex Toes xx x
Flexor Hallucis Brevis
OriginOrigin –2 Heads Plantar surface of the Cuboid & 3 rd Cuneiform Plantar surface of the 2 nd and 1 st Cuneiforms InsertionInsertion –2 Heads –One on each side of the Base of the Proximal 1 st Phalange –Encompasses a Sesmoid PalpationPalpation –Unable – Irritation with the Sesmoids however
Motions Plantar Flexion Dorsal Flexion InversionEversion Extend Great Toe Flex Great Toe Extend Toes Flex Toes x
Gastrocnemius OriginOrigin –Posterior surfaces of the two femor condyles InsertionInsertion –posterior surface of calcaneus PalpationPalpation –Easiest muscle to palpate Upper posterior lower leg
Motions Plantar Flexion Dorsal Flexion InversionEversion Extend Great Toe Flex Great Toe Extend Toes Flex Toes x
Preoneus Longus
Peroneus Longus OriginOrigin –Head and upper thirds of the outer surface of the fibula InsertionInsertion –undersurfaces of the 2nd cuneiform and first metatarsal PalpationPalpation –third muscle on the lateral side of the tibia, upper lateral tibia
Motions Plantar Flexion Dorsal Flexion InversionEversion Extend Great Toe Flex Great Toe Extend Toes Flex Toes x x
Peroneus Brevis
OriginOrigin –Lower two thirds of the lateral surface of the fibula InsertionInsertion –Styloid Process PalpationPalpation –Palpate at the Styloid Process
Motions Plantar Flexion Dorsal Flexion InversionEversion Extend Great Toe Flex Great Toe Extend Toes Flex Toes x x
Peroneus Tertius
OriginOrigin –Lower third of the lateral surface of the fibula InsertionInsertion –Styloid Process PalpationPalpation –Palpate at the Styloid Process
Motions Plantar Flexion Dorsal Flexion InversionEversion Extend Great Toe Flex Great Toe Extend Toes Flex Toes x x X
Plantaris OriginOrigin –Posterior / Medial side of the Lateral Femoral Condyle InsertionInsertion –Medial / Posterior Surface of the Calcaneus PalpationPalpation –Partially at Insertion Point
Motions Plantar Flexion Dorsal Flexion InversionEversion Extend Great Toe Flex Great Toe Extend Toes Flex Toes x
Soleus OriginOrigin –Upper two thirds of the posterior surfaces of the tib/fib InsertionInsertion –posterior surface of calcaneus PalpationPalpation –under gastroc on the lateral side of the lower leg
Motions Plantar Flexion Dorsal Flexion InversionEversion Extend Great Toe Flex Great Toe Extend Toes Flex Toes x
Tibialis Anterior
OriginOrigin –Upper two thirds of the lateral surface of the tibia InsertionInsertion –Medial surface of the 1st cuneiform and first met PalpationPalpation –First muscle on the lateral side of the tibia
Motions Plantar Flexion Dorsal Flexion InversionEversion Extend Great Toe Flex Great Toe Extend Toes Flex Toes x x
Tibialis Posterior
OriginOrigin –Posterior surface of the upper half of the medial fib / lateral tib (inner surfaces) InsertionInsertion –Lower inner surfaces of the navicular, cuneiforms, base of 2-5 metatarsals PalpationPalpation –Can not palpate
Motions Plantar Flexion Dorsal Flexion InversionEversion Extend Great Toe Flex Great Toe Extend Toes Flex Toes x x
Inferior Extensor Retinaculum
LocationLocation –Y Shaped –Overlying the Anterior Aspect of the ankle Joint and Proximal Foot FunctionFunction –Binds Extensor and Peroneal Tendons
Superior Extensor Retinaculum
LocationLocation –Proximal to Ankle Joint –Distal ends of Tibia and Fibula FunctionFunction –Binds Extensor Leg Tendons as it crosses the ankle joint –Prevents Bowstring Effect
Inferior Peroneal Retinaculum
LocationLocation –Lateral Side of the Ankle –Lateral Calcaneus to Lateral IER –Straddles the Peroneal Longus and Brevis Tendons FunctionFunction –Holds the PL and PB in place with Plantar Flexion and Eversion
Superior Peroneal Retinaculum
LocationLocation –Lateral Side of the Ankle –Posterior Distal end of the Fibula to Lateral Calcaneus FunctionFunction –Holds Peronus Longus and Brevis in place behind the Fibula during PF and EV –Prevent Snapping
Flexor Retinaculum
LocationLocation –Medial Side of the Ankle –Posterior Inferior Medial Malleolus to Medial Tubercle of the Calcaneus FunctionFunction –Roof over Sustenaculum Tali –Keeps Posterior Medial Tendons and Medial Ligaments in place