By: Samuel DeCampos
About Botulism Prevention Symptoms Causes Treatment
Where can it be Found?
What are the 3 forms of botulism?
What type of pathogen is Botulism?
What is the scientific name for Botulism?
What is one way to prevent Botulism in your home?
What tempenture should you cook your food?
What is one way to prevent Infant Botulism?
What should you do to prevent wound Botulism?
Which illness does botulism resemble?
What can happen after 3 days if you have botulism?
What are 3 symptoms of Botulism?
What is one symptom a baby gets if it has Botulism?
Which way is it transmitted?
How does it enter the body?
What is Botulism?
What happens to the nerves if you contract botulism?
What is one way doctors can find out if you have botulism?
Can Botulism be cured?
What is the cure for Botulism?
What is one test used to find Botulism?
It can be found in soil or food.
Infant, wound, and food borne
Botulism is a bacteria.
Clostridium Botulinum
Seal up your food tightly
Avoid giving honey
Don’t inhale or inject street drugs.
Flu or Cold
slurred speech, double vision, blurred vision, droopy eyelids, difficulty swallowing, dry mouth.
Poor muscle tone, they feel lethargic, feed poorly, has a weak cry.
Through contaminated food.
Digestion of food
A nerve toxin
The toxins from botulism cut off the contact to your muscles.
He gives your blood sample to a rat and sees if it has the same symptoms
It is an antitoxin
Brain scan, spinal fluid examination, nerve conduction test, and an EMG