AIKCU Technology Symposium June 17, 2010 Susan Henthorn We are trying to do the most possible with the least possible. – Africa University lecturer.


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Presentation transcript:

AIKCU Technology Symposium June 17, 2010 Susan Henthorn We are trying to do the most possible with the least possible. – Africa University lecturer

So… when IS a screwdriver NOT a screwdriver? When it’s part of a hammer!

… or perhaps… When it’s a fly trap!

Why Berea decided to invest in this technology; How we began “The Journey”; Who we invited to join us and how we have integrated other departments into the project; The considerations that played a role in mapping our endeavor; The process we followed throughout the project; How our charge to integrate the project closely with the general curriculum translated into the ‘finished’ product ; and Our dreams and possible uses of this technology in the future – some predictable, others more ‘outside the box.’

Why did we invest in the technology? Look to the PAST…. P reservation of materials A ccess to materials S -t-r-e-t-c-h already overworked staff T iming

Where and how we started – Spring/Summer/Fall 2007 … decisions, decisions, decisions… Decide who would join us on the journey and how to integrate work – ALWAYS larger than just the library and Special Collections & Archives; “Questions for project stakeholders” Research software and hardware options Develop philosophy and policy statements Attend workshops Consult with others

Brainstorming about software… Essential Controlled Vocab./Taxonomy Display/Images Security Affordable System/Production interface Desirable Images Security Reports/Stats Interoperability Admin/Production access Links to related docs., etc.

Overview of Best Practices by Type of Material Text Photographs Film Graphic Materials Maps & oversized objects Audio Materials Two-dimensional Art Cultural Artifacts & Three-dimensional Art

Collection Development Policy (approved June 26, 2008) OBJECTIVES: The collection is designed to support the teaching and learning goals and objectives of the Berea College curriculum. SUBJECTS AND COLLECTING LEVELS: Materials in subjects aligned with the general education curriculum of Berea College will be selected, as well as those that provide background and context for courses offered in all disciplines. Berea Digital will also select interdisciplinary and cross-cultural materials to complement thematic and specialized courses offered. Berea Digital will collect material primarily at the instructional support level. Priority will be given to materials that: are closely related to Berea’s General Studies courses, support courses that are interdisciplinary in nature, have appeared as part of official Berea College print or web publications, have demonstrated high use in Special Collections & Archives, or would suffer from repeated handling, and so, are in need of digital access for preservation purposes.

The Path Taken … 2008 was about details, putting the pieces together … plus additional and more specific training… January 2008 – Select CONTENTdm as platform software Throughout the year – More consulting, workshops, conferences and software specific meetings June On-site CONTENTdm training by OCLC staff July PHP Basics Online Course training

“Are we there yet?”– It was all about focusing on students in 2009 …digitization as the subject of a class …in support of General Studies classes (our primary focus) …two students in labor positions …two students in internship positions

Your Mileage May Vary…. Statistics, statistics, statistics… Items added … Usage statistics … Unique Titles55237 Items/Volumes1333,634* Pages/Images/Objects 1,6896,353 Searches1,10717,105 Item Views8,27124,483 Visits 1,9459,857 (not quite sessions, but…) * Each audio file counted as a separate volume.

But what’s under the hood? How does it work? How do we use it? Linked as part of the Hutchins Library Home page: OR direct URL: OR direct to collection materials: cdm

But how is it being used? More statistics… Web site visits… GSTR210 paper citations 314 papers (summer ’09 through spring ‘10) Average of 13/14 citations per paper No. of Citations 245 papers had NO ‘related source’ citations (Course reader, Berea Digital, SC&A) Of the remaining 69 papers… *2010 data as of June 16, 2010

GSTR210 paper citations More statistics for ‘related papers’ only… 62% of papers with ‘related’ citations were for two(2) faculty members (out of 24 or 25 total faculty; 12% could not be linked to a specific section/professor) Ranging from 3.45% - 80%, papers averaged ~24% ‘related source’ citations 1,080 citations 122 from GSTR210 reader 79 from Berea Digital 53 from SC&A

“Can we go see…?” Is it possible to…? “Do we have time to...?” While we’re doing this… “But I really need…” Please add this material a.s.a.p.… … OR “Q UESTIONS FROM THE BACK SEAT ”

The View Ahead … Contract additional contextual essays – perhaps… Continue use of Student Interns - Summer 2010 intern working with Chris Miller (Appalachian Center and Tina McCalment (Art Collection) Develop user survey Select next GSTR course for support module development Implement embedded audio & video when available – Dec. 2010? Continue to add materials, including new formats and types – convocation videos, student/faculty joint research projects, etc. Create unpublished collection of student papers (storage for later assessment)

Comments and questions…. (859)