H ISTORICAL F ICTION The fusion of the past and the future. Ms. Gardner-English Language Arts Grade
W HAT IS H ISTORICAL F ICTION ? Definition: The genre of literature, film, etc., comprising narratives that take place in the past and are characterized chiefly by an imaginative reconstruction of historical events and personages.
F EATURES OF H ISTORICAL F ICTION Presents a creative story that does not deviate too much from the historical event it is based on. Portrays the historical characters as realistically as possible. Presents authentic settings. Historical facts are woven in artfully. Details such as wardrobe, food, society, etc. are often researched to represent a more authentic tale.
Historical fiction introduces readers to different points of view. A demanding art form. Absorbs the reader fully into whatever era it represents. developing an awareness of the past helps readers confront the fear and complexities of the present and future. Critical thinking is activated as you mentally switch between the past setting (in the book) to modern life (your own knowledge of today’s world).
E XAMPLES The Last Samurai clip (3:30-5:55) atch?v=JOT0nT6FSUU By 1876, the Imperial Army already knew how to fire guns and rifles. They were not using primitive muzzle-loading rifles at that point, either. Europe was more likely to be involved with Japan than the US at this time. The Meiji Emperor didn't speak English, and nobody outside of the most senior advisors saw him without an invitation. Tom Cruise’s character was fictional but may have been based on a French Jules Brunet
E XAMPLE OF HISTORICAL FICTION The Last Samurai features many correct cultural and historical facts. Many samurai were trained starting from age 7 in special schools designed to hone the samurai’s skills. Samurai were frequently bald. Samurai had a code of honor called Bushido which was similar to chivalry in the West.
N OW IT ’ S YOUR TURN ! By the same analytic process you just observed deconstructing “The Last Samurai”, find examples from the book In the Time of the Butterflies and compare them to the historical facts on your charts. Fill in the chart “Historical Fact Versus Book Fiction.”