World War I Study Guide
What happened on the following dates: June 28, Archduke was shot by a Serb December 25, Both sides have an unofficial truce and stopped fighting because of Christmas May 7, Lusitania sunk- pushing USA closer to war July-Nov., Battle of the Somme is fought April 6, USA enters the war December 3, Russia leaves the war November 11, Armistice is signed and fighting stops June 28, Treaty of Versailles signed
Who was the president of the US, who asked congress to declare war on Germany? Woodrow Wilson
Explain Serbia's role throughout the war. Serbia started the war by killing the Archduke of Austria- Hungary. Once all the countries starting fighting, Serbia backed out of the war.
What countries agreed with the Treaty of Versailles and what country did not agree with the treaty? Agree: Italy Great Britain France Did not agree: United States
What are reparations? Money that is paid by the defeated countries to the victorious countries.
What happened to Austria-Hungary at the end of the war? The land that was once A-H was spilt into many countries and Austria and Hungary were both separate countries.
What role did Archduke Ferdinand play in the war? When he was assassinated by the Serbians the war broke out. It is known as the spark that started the war.
Explain why the US did not like unrestricted sub warfare. The Germans were using their U-boats to sink all ships that came near Great Britain, by doing this they were sinking passenger ships and merchant ships. This was not only killing innocent people and destroying boats and goods.
Define the following: Alliance--- An agreement to protect another country if that country is attacked Militarism--- using strong army to protect ones country and threat to use army to take over land Imperialism--- Obtaining and occupying colonies to build a empire Nationalism--- love for ones country
What are the Fourteen Points? Woodrow Wilson's plan for peace a the end of the war.
At the end of the war allied powers met at what meeting to discuss the treaty? Paris Peace Conference
What is trench warfare? When both sides dug large trenches in which they fought.
Why did the Serbians kill the archduke? They wanted control of the land, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
What is a U-Boat and who used them in the war? Submarine (underwater boat) Germany
Who was blamed for WWI? Germany
What happened on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11 month 1918? The fighting of World War One stopped. An amistice was signed.
Who was the leader of the US at this time? Woodrow Wilson
What are four new items that were used in fighting WWI? - Airplanes - U-boats - Long range cannons - Poison Gas - Tanks -Machine Guns
What was Austria-Hungary's reaction to Serbia killing Archduke Ferninand? They declared war on Serbia.
Explain two reasons why the US finally entered WWI. - Germany's unrestricted sub warfare and the sinking of the Lusitania - Zimmerman telegram- Germany urging Mexico to join the war on the Central Powers side and pomising them land that was part of the US
Explain two changes that occured in Europe once the war ended. - A fall in population due to the number of men killed in war. - The land was destroyed by the treches. - The economy was wrecked due to the cost of war and areas destroyed by war. - The map of Europe changed because of the treaty.
Who were the four countries who played a role in the writing of the Treaty of Versailles? France Great Britain Italy United States
Explain the conditions the soldiers face in the trenches. It was cold or hot depending on the time of the year. There were surronded by mud. Water from rain and snow would sit in the bottom of the tench which would cause the soldiers to get trench foot, there were many rats throughout the trenches, as well as lice that would give the soldiers trench fever on top of making them itch; all while they were fighting a war.
Explain the four conditions placed on Germany by the Treaty of Versailles. 1. They had to take blame for starting the war. 2. They had to limit the size of their military. 3. They had to pay the allied nations reparations. 4. They lost territory.