EDUCATOR EFFECTIVENESS: 1 An Orientation for Teachers.


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Presentation transcript:

EDUCATOR EFFECTIVENESS: 1 An Orientation for Teachers

The purpose of the Wisconsin Educator Effectiveness System is to help educators grow as professionals in order to increase student learning. 2

The Educator Effectiveness System in Wisconsin DPI has established minimum expectations for educator evaluation. Districts have the authority to add to the system requirements but cannot do less (i.e. district could require 2 SLOs each year) There are aspects of the EE System that are left to local discretion (Which educators fit the definition of teacher?) 3

Continuous Improvement Using Multiple Measures Practice Outcomes


First year, and every third year after


Balancing Multiple Measures One Summary based on evidence of Educator Practice One Summary based on evidence of Student Outcomes


Teacher Observations Minimal Requirements: The Announced Observation and 2 Minis must occur in the Summary Year One additional Mini during the supporting years

Collecting Evidence of Practice Observations Typically Domains 2 & 3 Evidence acquired during announced and mini- observations Evaluator documents and uploads evidence of practice from the announced and unannounced observations Artifacts Typically Domains 1 & 4 Some are mandated (forms that must be completed in Teachscape such as the EEP, Self-Review, Pre and Post Observation Forms (etc.) Others can be uploaded by educator or evaluator 11

What is an Artifact? A source of evidence, especially to document effectiveness of components in Domains 1 and 4 Some artifacts will provide evidence for multiple components- high leverage artifacts Evaluators will use the rubric to identify the performance level that best matches the evidence of practice within the artifact that has been uploaded 12


A Few Considerations… Is there value in aligning some of your artifacts (Unit plan and/or lesson plan that lead to the lesson you teach when you are observed) and a self-reflection of the lesson afterward). When does an artifact become evidence? If I upload a certificate from a workshop…what does it prove? Consider the value of a short reflection to give meaning to an artifact. 14

. Outcomes

Student Learning Objectives (SLOs) 1 SLO Educator self-approves and scores in all years. The SLO is part of the Educator Effectiveness Plan

Creating the SLO Score Educators self-scores his/her SLO annually using the Revised SLO Scoring Rubric. The rubric contains 2 criteria: one related to results (Did students meet the goals you set?) and one related to process (Did you engage fully in the SLO process?).

SLO SCORING RUBRIC ScoreCriteriaDescription (not exhaustive) 4 Student growth for SLO(s) has exceeded the goal(s). Educator engaged in a comprehensive, data-driven SLO process that resulted in exceptional student growth. Evidence indicates the targeted population’s growth exceeded the expectations described in the goal. Educator set rigorous superior goal(s); skillfully used appropriate assessments; continuously monitored progress; strategically revised instruction based on progress monitoring data. 3 Student growth for SLO(s) has met goal(s). Educator engaged in a data-driven SLO process that resulted in student growth. Evidence indicates the targeted population met the expectations described in the goal. Educator set attainable goal(s); used appropriate assessments; monitored progress; adjusted instruction based on progress monitoring data. 2 Student growth for SLO(s) has partially met the goal(s). Educator engaged in a SLO process that resulted in inconsistent student growth. Evidence indicates the targeted population partially met expectations described in the goal. Educator set a goal; used assessments; inconsistently monitored progress; inconsistently or inappropriately adjusted instruction. 1Student growth for SLO(s) has not met the goal(s). Educator engaged in a SLO process that resulted in minimal or no student growth. Evidence indicates the targeted population has not met the expectations described in the goal. Educator set inappropriate goal(s); inconsistently or inappropriately used assessments; failed to monitor progress; failed to adjust instruction based on progress monitoring data.

Using the Revised SLO Scoring Rubric, the evaluator will assign a holistic score (based on a 1-4 scale) after considering all SLOs. Score is based on the preponderance of evidence from documentation.

In the typical 3 year Effectiveness Cycle, the educator will have three SLO processes that inform the final holistic score:

Educators in the Summary Year (our first official year of implementation) will only have one SLO process that informs the final holistic score at the end of the year:

Turn and Talk What have you heard that’s new? What questions do you still have? 23


Final Effectiveness Summary At the conclusion of the Summary Year, the evaluator determines a score for each Danielson component and also determines one holistic SLO score.

Reporting Scores The component scores (practice) and the holistic SLO score (outcome) are uploaded by Teachscape to DPI’s WISEdash secure, where ONLY the educator and his or her administrators will be able to view the results.

Final Effectiveness Summary The scores for the components are combined to result in a final Educator Practices Summary. The holistic SLO score and the Reading/Graduation Rate score are combined to result in a final Student Outcomes Summary. These scores will be visible to the educator and his/her evaluator in WISEdash secure.

Practice Summary Teachers: Component scores averaged = Domain Summary Domain Summaries averaged = Practice Summary

Student Outcomes Summary Individual measure scores weighted proportionally Weighted scores added together Summary rounded to nearest decimal on scale of 1-4 Example: TEACHER SLO = 3.0 x.95 = 2.85 Value-Added = NA until sometime after School-wide Reading = 3.0 x.05 =.15 OUTCOME SUMMARY = = 3.0

Effectiveness Summary Graph

What is Next? Attend/View additional Teachscape training opportunities Complete “Beginning of the Year” activities 31