The Arctic: in a hurry!
Arctic Geography ______________________ (approximately people)______________________ (approximately people) ______________________ ____________________________________________ ______________________ So _______! So _____!So _______! So _____! The largest physical region in Canada!The largest physical region in Canada!
Did you know… The lowest monthly temperature ever recorded in Canada was in Nunavut –-47 degrees celsius
Arctic Geography Ground is permanently frozen in most areas (____________________)Ground is permanently frozen in most areas (____________________) –How do they build houses? –Where do their hydro/sewage lines go?
Arctic Geography Most northerly island = _________________Most northerly island = _________________ Most northerly town/ community = _______________Most northerly town/ community = _______________
The people & language The most common ethnic group in the Arctic is the “___________” meaning “________________”The most common ethnic group in the Arctic is the “___________” meaning “________________” –Don’t call them “________________” meaning “________________________” The language they speak is “__________________”The language they speak is “__________________” –“___________” means “_____________________”
Don’t call me an Eskimo…or else!
What’s the deal with Nunavut? Nunavut “broke away” from the Northwest Territories on _________________Nunavut “broke away” from the Northwest Territories on _________________ –It’s capital city is ______________ Don’t forget!Don’t forget! –_____________________ is the capital of the Yukon Territory –_____________________ is the capital city of the Northwest Territories
Did you know… __________________ In Iqaluit there are: –40 taxis –2 tanning salons –1 high school and 1 college –21 km of paved road…TOTAL!
Did you know… ½ the people living in Nunavut are under the age of 20! –Families have 3x as many children as the rest of Canada!
Problems in the Arctic: ___________________! The average yearly income in Nunavut is only $11000 –Welfare supports 1/3 of Nunavut’s residents –_________________ as high as 70% in some locations
Problems in the Arctic: _____________________________________ Only ¼ of all Nunavut youths finish high school –The suicide rate is 6x the natural average
Problems in the Arctic: ___________________________ High ________________ + land that can’t be used for farming = ridiculous prices!High ________________ + land that can’t be used for farming = ridiculous prices! –1 Litre milk = $3.29 –1 dozen eggs = $4.00 –1 Litre ice cream = $6.49 –2kg bag of potatoes $8.35
Why the problems? _______________________ has proven challenging_______________________ has proven challenging ___________________________________!___________________________________!
Traditional way of life Fur used for clothingFur used for clothing Caribou skins for boatsCaribou skins for boats Narwhal tusks for knives, harpoonsNarwhal tusks for knives, harpoons Seal/whale fat for food, and source of oil for lamps and cookingSeal/whale fat for food, and source of oil for lamps and cooking
Trying to change Most now live in ________ similar to oursMost now live in ________ similar to ours __________________ now available__________________ now available __________________ like ours__________________ like ours Travel by ___________Travel by ___________ ________________________________
What do you think? Does it make sense for the people of the Arctic to live like the rest of Canada? What might help them live a higher quality of life?
Is there anything good in the Arctic? __________________!__________________! –Canada is now the 3 rd largest diamond producing country in the world
Is there anything good in the Arctic? ____________!____________! –Transported by a _________________ –Good for: Providing ______________!Providing ______________! –Bad Can hurt fragile arctic ________________________ (permafrost)Can hurt fragile arctic ________________________ (permafrost) Disrupts caribou migrationDisrupts caribou migration
What will his future hold?