Build a lifeboat Rescue Wooden Boats KS3 Lesson resource RS2: Build a lifeboat
Why is this lifeboat…… - fast? - able to float? - stable in rough seas? - easy to spot??
Little Ships Rescue Wooden Boats KS3 Lesson resource RS4: Little Ships
The German army pushed British and French troops back to the Channel ports
What the photos show… There were so many men on the beaches, they had to organise themselves into lines to be rescued; The Government didn’t have enough ships to get the men back so asked people with small boats to help. 700 Little Ships went across the Channel from Ramsgate; Whilst they waited to be rescued, the soldiers destroyed their weapons, in case they were found by the Germans.
Do you think Dunkirk was a triumph or a disaster for the British army? A triumph because… A disaster because…
Use this image of the rescue from the beaches of Dunkirk to help you to write your memoir.