Construct a boat that can float and carry cargo. Must be made only of metal, fit in 15 square centimeters, have no sharp edges, and weigh less than 10 pennies Support a cargo equal to the weight of 50 pennies without taking on any water for a minimum of 10 seconds Travel 1.5 meters Must communicate the scientific principles used in your boats design
Design, build, and test a complex machine that can lift a 600-gram soup can 5 centimeters Must be made of materials approved by the teacher Consist of at least 2 simple machines working in combination Lift a soup can a minimum of 5 centimeters Must use in input force of less than 600 grams Must have calculated the ideal and actual mechanical advantage
Design and build a roller coaster that uses kinetic and potential energy to move Must be no wider than 2 meters and be easily assembled and disassembled Must have a first hill with a height of 1 meter and have at least 2 additional hills Must have an object that moves along the entire track without stopping Must describe their model in terms of kinetic energy, potential energy, and the law of conservation of energy Must describe how their model illustrates energy transformations