John Taylor Spencer Carr Chris Buffaloe Victor Ajewole
Economic Plan Betaville: tourist attraction Alphaville: international harbor Topa: economic business center
Betaville Hotels and resorts Tourist attractions Sport stadiums
Topa Government buildings that attract tourists Economic and business offices
Alphaville Base operations International harbor International center
Overview of Transportation Plan Build large international airport west of Topa Build smaller airports at Alphaville and Betaville Create a rail system to connect cities Build roads to connect towns and villages Build a large harbor at Alphaville Build small harbors at Betaville and Topa
Environment LEED will push in the task force in a greener direction UNEP to help the rural preservations
Building- Economical growth = Greater infrastructure Topa full of government offices and tourist attractions ExxonMobil will relocate one base to Boa Boa Betaville where tourist can socialize Alphaville base of operations Charlieville developing city for greater socialization
Air Transportation Build large international airport west of Topa Build smaller airports at Alphaville and Betaville Airports are important because of the island’s terrain Boa-Boa needs an airport for international flights International airport away from populated areas Smaller airports accommodate internal flights
Rail Transportation Create a rail system to connect cities Build Charlieville in center of island Charlieville will be central hub for railroads Railroads needed to transport supplies in island Trains do not create large carbon footprint Trains are quick and efficient
Water Transportation Build a large harbor at Alphaville Build small harbors at Betaville and Topa Large harbor will handle trade Large harbor also handles oil tankers Smaller harbors will handle ferrys Smaller harbors also host tour boats
Homeland Security Plans Militia Coast Guard Alliance With United States
Justification for Plans Militia Coast Guard Alliance With United States
Disadvantages Militia Coast Guard Alliance with the United States