1. Histories: - Born and raised in Ohio, Bill Nelson was identified as a genius from an early age. As a young man, his interest in quantum physics and electronic engineering led to his work on the navigation system for the Apollo space project. He turned his genius to the field of medicine and health after the birth of his first-born, a son. - During his research, he was intrigued by a number of bio-electric devices being used in Germany-the Vega machine, the Voll, and the Mora unit-as well as biofeedback and cranial electrical stimulation (CES) units in the US. These units either measure the body's electrical response to help diagnose problems in the body or they emit frequencies to treat problems. He also studied the body's subtle energy systems-acupuncture meridians, chakra energy, applied kinesiology or muscle testing, etc. The body's subtle energy system is an early warning system. Imbalances in the body's subtle energies show up much earlier than disease symptoms. Bill Nelson decided to apply his genius to design an all-inclusive system-a computerized system that would both test and balance the body at the subtle energy level. The QXCI (Quantum Xxriod Conscious Interface) was born.QXCI
- To develop this system, Bill Nelson has integrated the sciences of mathematics, quantum physics, electronics, naturopathy, homeopathy, chiropractic, energetic medicine and computer programming. He has also incorporated his knowledge of metaphysical subjects to bring a unique synergistic perspective to natural healing. He has studied homeopathy, naturopathy, science, business, computer science and international law. He has also mastered the difficulties of creating the software to integrate the many healing modalities he has programmed into the QXCI system. His unique knowledge of esoteric subjects such as fractal dynamics, subspace theory, a tri-vector system and more has made this energetic feedback system possible.QXCI - The QXCI gathers bio-energetic data from the body via twenty channels simultaneously. The information is prioritized to help the natural health practitioner zero in on the body's current specific needs. The program offers information specific to your subtle energies-emotional and mental stresses, nutritional needs, food sensitivities, digestive and cleansing needs, etc. In the hands of a trained health practitioner, the imbalances in the subtle energy field are tracked to determine the most probable sources of ill health. In addition the QXCI has the capability to apply approximately 50 different corrective energies to help the body establish energetic balance for health and well-being. The health practitioner is also able to determine the lifestyle changes and remedies that will best help you as a next step in your plan for better health.QXCI
The QXCI Quantum Xeroid Consciousness Interface EPFX/ SCIO or Scientific Consciousness Interface Operations System SCIO is the Pandora's Box of Energetic Medicine. 1. What is the EPFX QXCI / SCIO? The EPFX QXCI / SCIO is sold as a full diagnostic and treatment system. After assessment of "electrical parameters" the EPFX QXCI / SCIO then sends therapy signals via a harness to the body. The EPFX QXCI / SCIO fires low levels of current into the patient and then in a method similar in theory to radar, reads the bounced signals and transfers them to a database. The EPFX QXCI / SCIO database consists of several thousand diagnostic categories from several different medical disciplines and other mystical data, including homeopathy, acupuncture, chiropractic, traditional medical, astrology and prayer wells, all of which can be transmitted by the EPFX QXCI / SCIO therapeutic benefit.
The EPFX QXCI / SCIO is closer to radionics than anything else, and apparently has little bearing on electrical measurement or treatment. (see more “radionics information in Word file) It works by entering data into a screen, which is fed into the EPFX QXCI / SCIO’s weighted random number generator which in turn displays results. When it comes round to therapy, buttons are clicked on a screen with little evidence of programming beyond the graphical displays on the QXCI saying it is treating. The above statement may come as a shock or disappointment, however we are not saying that the QXCI / SCIO does not have a place or its use is ineffective. Repeated use by many practitioners bears testament to the fact that some useful interpretation of QXCI / SCIO results can be gained, especially by not entering data so the system is unable to weight it. Princeton University, while not having anything to do with the EPFX QXCI / SCIO in particular, have shown in independent studies that random events can be influenced. The QXCI / SCIO system contains a random event generator which acts as the interface between consciousness and the computer system.
As long as the client is truly open to the capabilities of the QXCI / SCIO, meaningful results can be obtained. However, studies have also shown that the outcome of random number experiments can be either positive or negative, often independently of the clients desire to produce a particular result in either direction. This is perhaps where the need for the EPFX QXCI / SCIO-type device came from - to provide a confidence bridge for new people – but it has also caused a lot of the controversy as people discover it may not work as claimed.