Research for Paper
Sports Steroids in sports Are steroids a problem? How bad are they for you? Do they affect your playing ability? What are the effects of chemicals in food? How would legalizing marijuana effect crime & the economy? Do young teens having cell phones cause problems? Is it necessary to have a college education? Will someone be able to support their self and their family financially without a college education?
Baseball Entertainment General Management of a Major League team Education college Should it be required Is it necessary What are the benefits What do you lack if you do not attend college
Science: Cancer What research is going on in this field? What is different about the different types of cancers? The growth in research and knowledge over the past ten years Is there an increase in the amount of cases of cancers over the years or a decrease? Is there truth to the diet changes helping to reduce risk or lead to a cure in cancer? Which population is this effecting the most (men, women, children, older or younger, etc.) Where is the majority of the research being done on this topic? What makes cancer such a mystery to us in the world of medicine? What kind of treatments is offered to patients? How safe are these treatments in regards to causing other health problems? Are there human behaviors that can increase the risk of cancer in adults? In children?
Should the death penalty be used more often instead of being abolished? Cost vs life sentence Ways of carrying out sentence Moral Issues What types of moral issues is there that support the Death Penalty? How much does it cost in the United States to carry out the death penalty versus a life sentence?
-science --Why did they postpone the space program? ---will we ever get people on mars? --- Who had a say in stopping the space program? ---what’s going to happen to NASA? --- How will this affect the private space industries? ---were jobs lost because of this? ---why was it so expensive to go up in the first place Gays in the church Should gays be allowed in the church No It is written that a man and a woman are meant to lay together, and that a pair of men are not to lay together
Research48 frames per second vs. 24 frames per second Used for Types of films Will this change movie viewing forever? Will it be used at all? DOES IT WORK BETTER? OTHER DRAMATIC FILM CHANGES FROM THE PAST? What would have happened if the south had pushed forward on the second day of Gettysburg instead of retreating? Why did they not continue on after the union in the first place? Could they have pushed the union off the highground? Would they have won the battle Could they have pushed on to Washington and won the war?
Women in Special Ops Role of women in Special Ops How to integrate women in Special Ops How to establish common physical requirements Suicide rates in the military What is the role of command climate in suicide rates? How to make soldiers more suicide resilient? Go to the library page and click on “research guides.” We’ll look up some possible sources.