Where is Ed Tech in Socially Responsible Design (SRD)? Economic and Institutional Viability Design Research Social and Environmental Needs/Opportunities
History of SRD Frameworks 1: Workplace and Environmental Design US: 1975 Fred Kent: Project for Public Spaces (Bryant park before and after) UK 1982 Irish engineer Mike Cooley sees threat of increasing automation, coins “Human Centered Design” as workplace practices that preserve skills, autonomy and dignity. Scandinavia (Denmark, Norway, Finland, Sweden): 1970s strong design tradition, highly educated workforce 1970: Trade unions demand participation in design of new workplace technologies 1980s: “Collective resource approach” (Bødker, Ehn, King, etc.) 1990s: “Cooperative Design” rejected by US, but “Participatory Design” (eg Doug Schuler in US) sells well.
History of SRD Frameworks 1: Workplace and Environmental Design Sustainability and design: 1969 Buckminster Fuller publishes “operating manual for spaceship Earth 1970, first Earth Day inspired contest for recycling symbol: 23 year old Gary Anderson wins – The first “Bottle Bill” is born in Oregon; designers begin looking at what eventually will be called “life cycle design” for all products Biomimetic Design popularized by Janine Benyus 2012 Ecovative wins US environmental design award
UK 1962: Economist Schumaker launches what eventually becomes the Appropriate Technology movement, mainly for 3 rd world tech writes “Small is Beautiful” US 1980s Warren and Brokeshaw, “Indigneous Knowledge in Development.” 1990s United Nations begins programs for IK in development US in 1990s: Psychiatrist Paul Polak working in community-based mental health (Denver homeless vets) applies his community-based approach to social entrepreneurship ventures in India. History of SRD Frameworks 2: Developing World Design
1940s: ergonomics; human factors engr: “the science of design” 1960s: human-computer interaction: “user experience is complex” 1990s: CSCW, user-centered design, interaction design 2000s: DIY, Open Source, Hackathons, Maker movements The International Standards Organization describes 6 key principles that will ensure a design is user centered: The design is based upon an explicit understanding of users, tasks and environments. Users are involved throughout design and development. The design is driven and refined by user-centered evaluation. The process is iterative. The design addresses the whole user experience. The design team includes multidisciplinary skills and perspectives. History of SRD Frameworks 3: Social Computing in Design Public Lab for Open Technologies
Summary: 3 Categories of SRD Frameworks 3 rd World Dev Appropriate Technology Social Entrepreneurship Indigenous Knowledge in Development Workplace and Environmental Participation Cooperative Design Participatory Design Public Interest Design Social Computing User Centered Design CSCW Open Source DIY, Maker Movement
Educational technology design fits into all three areas Developing World Appropriate Technology Social Entrepreneurship Indigenous Knowledge in Development Work and Environ Cooperative Design Participatory Design Public Interest Design HCI and IT User Centered Design Contextual Design Open Source DIY, Maker Movement
Educational technology design is crucial in the developing world Design in Developing nations Appropriate Technology Social Entrepreneurship Indigenous Knowledge Ed Tech Info on health, ag, human rights Creating employment via skills, financial, etc. Indigenous math, bio, etc. helps sustain traditional lifeways
Educational technology is crucial in workplace and enviro design Work & Enviro Cooperative Design Participatory Design Public Interest Design Ed Tech Laypeople as producers Citizen Science Educated consumers making healthier choices
Educational technology design is crucial in social computing Ed Tech Lay developers in open source Citizen Science Educated consumers making healthier choices Social computing User Centered Design CSCW Open Source DIY, Maker Movement
Even in the corporate world, educational technology design is critical for connecting to consumers