Ocean Zones Ocean Depths Major Zones: 1.Tidal 2. Subtidal 3. Coral Reef 4. Open Ocean 5. Ocean Depths Subtidal Tidal Open Ocean Coral Reef Ocean Depths
1. Tidal Zone-zone between high tide and low tide 2 high tides/day AND 2 low tides/day This means that the organisms living there MUST be adapted to survive being covered and uncovered by the water on a twice-daily basis. Greatest variety of temperature and moisture conditions of all ZONES. All of this EQUALS the most challenging of all ocean zones in which animals live and survive. Horseshoe Crab Ghost Crab Terrapin Turtle
2. Subtidal Zone- Zone just seaward of low tide The water is very shallow and is home to varied plants and animals. They risk predation by both land and sea organisms. The organisms here are ALWAYS covered with Water. Temperatures and moisture conditions are more or less constant Cliona celata
Pineapple Coral Sea Slug 3. Coral Reef Zone Specialized zone that tends to be shallow and warm. Found near equatorial regions because of the warmer temperatures. Greatest variety of life found in the oceans Coral (which are animals) coexist with algae so that is why coral reefs develop in shallower waters. Pineapple Coral Sea Slug
Area outside of the continental slope and above the deep ocean zone. 4. Open Ocean Zone Area outside of the continental slope and above the deep ocean zone. Much plankton (zoo and phyto) lives near the surface regions providing MOST of the food for the rest of the organisms in the open ocean. Krill is another species that dominates the region. Krill is an integral part of the food web. The biomass of krill in the oceans is believed to rival the biomass of humans on earth. Any material from the surface open ocean zone will eventually find itself on the ocean floor as part of one of the most successful recycling mechanisms on earth.
5. Ocean Depths Zone (aka Abyssal Zone) Deep, dark, cold (about 3 degrees C) and under EXTRAORDINARY pressure (approx. 775 kilograms per square centimeter). Includes areas from continental rise to oceanic ridges. Fang tooth Strange/mysterious life exists there with atypical ocean chemistry. Angler Fish Seapig There is NO LIGHT so no PLANTS. Organisms feed on organic matter from the surface and on each other….
Temperature Zones Arctic Boreal Temperate Subtropic equator Tropic