NOAA Satellite Conference 2015 Closing Remarks May 1, 2015 NOAA Satellite and Information Service Dr. Stephen Volz, Assistant Administrator NOAA Satellite and Information Service Dr. Stephen Volz, Assistant Administrator
2 Upcoming Opportunities for Collaboration More capabilities are coming online from traditional partners More countries are joining the remote-sensing community Big Data / Cooperative Research And Development Agreement (CRADA) – DOC’s big data project with Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud Platform, IBM, Microsoft Corp and the Open Cloud Consortium will explore ways of bringing the DOC closer to its goal of unleashing its vast resources of environmental data– transforming DOC data capabilities and supporting a data-driven economy..
3 Challenges to Cooperation Increasing complexity with sharing of Frequency/Spectrum Data Integration/Fusion – Most of our products fuse different data sets, so we need to do that fusion efficiently and reflexively, regardless of the data source, and with confidence that the fusion will produce reliable information IT Security Opportunities to Excel
4 What will we see in the NOAA Satellite Conference 2017 Where will we be when we reconvene in two years? From NOAA: Jason-3 operating in constellation with Jason 2 GOES-R coming out of check-out phase into operations COSMIC-2A constellation in orbit JPSS-1 just launched From Others: SMAP operational, CYGNSS constellation in orbit, Sentinel 1B, 2A, 3A all on orbit and data flowing As a community, we will be working to bring these new capabilities into the integrated observing system of satellites – Many questions discussed this week will be answered – Many more will come forward to continue to challenge us
5 Our futures are intertwined and NOAA intends to engage with all our partners and users as we move forward to collect, share, and manage environmental data. In closing …