Relentless change
Ceaseless information flows
Radical collaboration
Threats and uncertainty
Total mobility
Constant connectivity
Instant gratification
New channels
New markets
Ceaseless information flows Radical collaboration Threats and uncertainty Total mobility Constant connectivity Instant gratification New channels Challenges
Abundant opportunity Embrac e change Manage risk Harness data Stay connected
To make the complex simple
To bridge the old and the new
To grow
To transform
How? By harnessing Cloud Mobility Security Big data
Are you ready?
The big picture is getting bigger every day Big Data
Data Revolution
1 Billion pieces of Facebook content per day 200 Million tweets per day 2.5 Exabytes of new data per day
Collect, store and analyze Tweets Video s
Actionable insight Impact Insight
Revealing New opportunities Threats New segment s
And taking immediate action
Reacting in real time HP + NASCAR
BetterROI for sponsors IncreasedFANengagement for media broadcasters Increased media SALE S for NASCAR
Nothing is safe Security
Cyber crime is big business
$50 Million every year 378 Million victims every year 12 Victims per second
Security is more than building walls Security is more than building walls Addres s Disrup t Embe d
Security is more than protection Security is more than protection
400,000 computers 800,000 users 2,500 locations HP + U.S. Navy
78 Million network connection attempts 800 New Viruses 35 Million spam messages per month HP defends against
The office is everywhere Mobility
And anywhere
Working openly
Working differently
End-to-end mobility Infrastructure Applications Hardware Services Software
Big Mobile
73 Percent of global CIOs $700 Billion by XMalware this year
Old boundaries just don’t apply anymore Cloud
Cloud promised to transform IT
That’s all changed
How do you get there from here? Infrastructure
HP understands
Infrastructure matters
Embrace innovation