THE WIFE OF BATH Alex H Alex M Catrina T Britt C Dustin A
14 TH CENTURY CANTERBURY ENGLAND Women did not have their choice of husband Divorce and marriage very sacred Catholic church had all authority in spiritual matters Belief in god was not a matter of choice
WHO IS SHE? Rumored real name is Alison The seamstress in town Talented weaver Has been married five times Labeled as she searches for her perfect guy
PHYSICAL FEATURES Chaucer intended her to stand out and break the social norms of her time Chaucer wanted a true depiction of Canterbury England during this time Clothes and physical features are sexually suggestive Has a gap in her tooth (considered “sexy” in her time period)
SOME MORE ABOUT HER… Often uses the Bible to justify her behaviors, yet she does not follow all of the rules Married since the age of 12 Deaf in one ear because her 5 th husband hit her
WIFE OF BATH BELIEFS Believes there must be more non-virgins like her in order to make more virgins Believes that what women want most is control over their husband, which she constantly strives for Does not care what other people think of her Believes women are the cause of all men’s suffering
Take into consideration at the beginning of the experiment these were all normal college students Numbers were given as identities, and eventually they stopped using their real names Prisoners and guards were not very serious about their roles at first, but as time went on they were acting as if they were actual guards and prisoners!