DAVID JAMES SUMMER 2011 Digital Citizenship Project
A lack of etiquette at the table can be disturbing!
A lack of etiquette on the web can be equally disturbing!
Netiquette Netiquette refers to the rules of etiquette that apply when communicating over computer networks, especially the internet.
Common Netiquette Guidelines Avoid antagonistic, vulgar or violent communication, which is sometimes referred to as “Flaming.” Avoid typing in all caps, which is considered “yelling.” When posting to a forum, keep your comments on topic. As a general rule, remember that anything posted on the internet can be seen by everyone.
Copyright and Fair Use What is a copyright? A copyright is a property right attached to a work of art or literature. It is important to note that copyrights do not apply to facts.
Copyright and Fair Use Continued What is fair use? A copyrighted work may be used under certain circumstances, such as education. There are four factors to consider: 1. Purpose of use 2. Nature of the work 3. Extent of material used 4. The effect on the marketability of the source material.
Plagiarism Plagiarism is defined as the unauthorized use or close imitation of the language or thoughts of another author and the representation of them as one’s own work.
Avoiding Plagiarism Plagiarism can be avoided by proper citation and by using a variety of online resources such as
Internet Safety Internet safety is a broad category that includes everything from protecting your identity to avoiding dangerous situations. As it pertains to education, the most common issue facing children is bullying or harassment. Children must be educated and monitored to minimize the risk associated with the dangers of the internet.
Safety on Your Computer Throwing caution to the wind regarding computer safety my be a costly mistake. Damage caused by viruses and worms can cost a great deal of money to you as an individual or to your school system.
Computer Safety Guidelines 1. Use anti-virus software. 2. Install updates. 3. Don’t open suspicious Don’t engage in suspicious IM. 5. Don’t download anything from unsecured sites. 6. Use a firewall.
Citations Netiquette in Wikipedia. Retrieved June 27, 2011 from Newsome, Cathy (1997). A Teacher’s Guide to Fair Use and Copyright. Retrieved June 27, 2011 from Online Safety and Civility (2011). Retrieved June 27, 2011 from Computer Safety Tips. Retrieved June 27, 2011 from