The European Structural and Investment Funds & the defence sector Paul Anciaux, Helsinki, 25 March 2014
Structure of the presentation 1. Setting the scene 2. Cohesion policy – key features 3. Support to SMEs & (regional) clustering 4. Next steps 5. Links
Setting the scene Communication Defence & Security Sector, July 2013 "The Commission will use tools designed to support SMEs for the needs of defence-related SMES. To this end the use of European Structural and Investment Funds may also be considered" European Council Conclusions, December 2013 "The European Council welcomes the Commission proposals to promote greater access of SMEs to defence and security markets and to encourage strong involvement of SMEs in future EU funding programmes…Supporting regional networks of SMEs and strategic clusters is critically important"
: €500 billion to invest in growth & jobs
Investing in all regions
ESIF in support of EU industrial policy Innovation: ERDF can stimulate investments in new technologies and innovation, including in areas of KETs and Advanced Manufacturing Access to markets: ERDF will finance programmes to help SMEs increase their internationalisation Access to finance: EU financial instruments funded by the ERDF can facilitate access to finance for businesses, in particular for SMEs Human capital: ESF can finance training programmes (re-skilling)
Focus of investments - 11 thematic objectives
Thematic concentration
Pre-conditions for funding
ERDF - Dual use eligibility Where investments are "dual-use" in nature (so that the resulting infrastructure is available both for military and civilian operators), the Structural Funds can provide financial assistance. However, such assistance can be provided only with a view to assisting the attainment of the civilian objectives
European Social Fund (ESF) Fully in line with the Europe 2020 strategy Promoting employment & supporting labour mobility Investing in education, skills & life-long learning Promoting social inclusion & combating poverty Enhancing institutional capacity & efficient public administration
European Territorial Cooperation Financed by the ERDF Budget : €10.2 billion Cross-border cooperation: INTERREG A Transnational cooperation: INTERREG B Interregional cooperation: INTERREG C
Focus on results
Programming Regulations Partnership Agreements Operational Programmes Adopted December 2013First half of 2014 Within mandate of current Commission (except ETC)
Promote more civ-mil cross-fertilisation through different EU instruments European Strategic Cluster Partnerships ESCPs can help to exploit dual-use synergies. Aim to develop common international strategy and tackle obstacles for SMEs. First organised on voluntary basis, without any EC funding COSME will finance establishment of some ESCPs, aiming at various sectors. Call for proposals in 1st half of Budget: €2.25 million
Promote more civ-mil cross-fertilisation through different EU instruments Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) >600 EEN Partners provide advice on R&D and innovation, partnership and brokerage services, access to finance, advice on public procurement and legal matters EEN Sector Groups also offer considerable potential for supporting SMEs in dual use sectors
Promote more civ-mil cross-fertilisation through different EU instruments Networking & guidance Facilitate regional networking, in particular on smart specialisation strategies, through workshops and seminars => European Network of Defence-related Regions. Prepare guidance to clarify eligibility rules for dual use projects under ESIF, and other programmes (COSME, H2020) by summer 2014.
Next steps Prepare a Roadmap on the implementation of the Defence Communication by summer 2014 Report back to Council by June 2015
Links Regional policy COSME Enterprise Europe Network DG Enterprise & Industry – defence industries
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