Mankind’s concern about the future goes beyond economics. It includes the pursuit of emotional tranquility, spiritual security and personal destiny. These are the areas of the church’s mission where only the ultimate good news about Jesus Christ can make a difference.
In the four Gospels which we use as one whole story, we find statements that clarify what the good news is and how Jesus shared it with others.
The Good News is Shared through Public Announcements
1. The Good News is Shared through Public Announcements a.God announced it through the angels that Jesus Christ the Savior is born, Luke 1:26-33; 2:8-14. b.John the Baptist announced repentance of sin to prepare the way for Jesus Christ who is God’s sacrifice for mankind’s sins, John 1:29-34.
1. The Good News is Shared through Public Announcements c.Jesus himself announced the good news that God’s kingdom has come, Mark 1:14-15; Luke 24: d.From these public announcements, can you state the essence of the good news in your own words?
The Good News is Shared through Personal Appointments
2. The Good News is Shared through Personal Appointments a.Prominent religious people like Nicodemus received it, John 3:1-21. b.Notorious and despised people like Zacchaeus received it, Luke 19:1-10.
2. The Good News is Shared through Personal Appointments c.The outcast like the Samaritan woman received it, John 4:1-26. d.Have you received the offer of the good news? You can only share it if you have it.