1 How to Stay Out of [the Grant Officer’s Overview] 2010 New Earmark Grantee Orientation Chicago Tuesday, June 8, 2010 T.R.O.U.B.L.E!
2 T hanks for being our Grantee!
4 What we expect from you… - Be responsible stewards of Federal funds. - Use grant dollars for intended purpose. - Account for costs & justify expenditures. - Report back to ETA
5 - Design a program for your customers’ needs - Address those needs - Meet the requirements of Federal law & regulation What we expect from you…
6 - money - guidance (rules & regulations) - modification flexibility - our attention (on-site assistance & monitoring) What you can expect from us…
7 isky Business… R
8 - Embezzlement - Theft or Bribery - False Statements or Claims - Mail & Wire Fraud Four Flavors of Fraud…
9 Who Commits Grant Fraud…?
10 Who ….… Stops Fraud?
Why You Want to…Really!
12 O bligations you take on with your grant…
13 - that WE will provide the funds - that YOU will comply with Every-Part-of-the- Agreement Any sub-award relationships are governed by OMB Circulars. You are responsible for all sub- award relationships. The Grant Agreement certifies…
14 The Salary Cap… - Pub.L Guidance in TEGL 5-06: - Limits salary & bonus payments to individuals 2010 Limit:
15 - Accounting, financial & cash management - Procurement - Property management - Personnel management & payroll - Audit functions - General legal services Administrative Costs are…
16 - Get a Federally-approved rate if… - 90-day timeframe - It’s not the same as Admin! The Indirect Cost Rate Agreement…
17 - How to establish a Direct Deposit Account: - How to access funds: - How to access on-line electronic reporting: Your Grant Award letter tells you…
18 Partner Request a modification… with any change to the Eight P’s: Personnel PlacePurpose Parts Performance Period Price
19 - Quarterly Narrative Program Report - On-line Financial reporting - ETA All reports due 45 days after quarter end - YOU certify it Reporting…
20 nallowable activities prohi itions imitations U B L
21 - Not grant-related - Fundraising - Alcohol - Entertainment - Bad debt OMB says it’s Unallowable…
22 - Legal expenses for claims against the government - Audit appeals - Real property or Construction (except for ADA compliance) WIA says it’s Unallowable…
23 - Charging fees for placement or training - Public service employment - Sectarian activities WIA says it’s Unallowable…
24 WIA Section Business relocation - Customized training which facilitates relocation - Employment generating activities - Economic development activities Statutory Prohibitions…
25 WIA Section Revolving loan funds - Capitalization of businesses - Contract bidding resource centers - Foreign travel Statutory Prohibitions…
26 -0-% Limitations - Pre-award, legal, real property The Four Cost Limitations… 0-15% Limitations - Administrative costs 20% Limitations - Budget realignments 100% Limitations – Expend all your grant funds!
27 E verything will be OK!
28 - Main point of contact - Conduit for all Grantee-ETA communications - Advises & assists on paperwork - Technical Assistance - Oversight Your “Friendly” Project Officer…
29 - Are my costs necessary & reasonable? - Does ETA get a proportional share of the costs & benefits received? The Top 3 Questions to Ask Yourself… What would a Prudent Person do?
30 Tom Coyne Questions/Comments?