SECTION 2 WORK Understanding the Purpose & Nature of Work GCSE ECONOMICS: UNIT 11 Part One
SECTION 2 WORK Aims of today’s lesson … State what ‘work’ means Understand why people work or choose not to work
SECTION 2 WORK What does ‘work’ mean? ‘Work’ refers to paid work – where people perform jobs in exchange for money and other benefits The person working is often referred to as an employee, while the business employing the worker(s) is known as the employer The distinction is not clear when a person is self employed (i.e. they work for themselves)
SECTION 2 WORK Why do people work? There are a number of reasons why someone will choose to work
SECTION 2 WORK Different ways of working… Write down your own definitions and examples of the following types of employment; Full time Part time Temporary Seasonal Use the Case Study to help you!
SECTION 2 WORK Over to you... Open and compete Activities 1, 2 and 3 on the document called... “Case Study”
SECTION 2 WORK Why might people not work? A large section of the UK adult population do not work Can you identify the main reasons for not working?
SECTION 2 WORK Plenary: what have you learnt?
SECTION 2 WORK Smiley Faces Draw smiley faces to indicate how comfortable you are with the topic. Ready to move on Understand some parts but not all Do not understand and need to look at it again