Literary Merit Literary merit relates to the quality of written work, generally applied to the genre of literary fiction.
A book has literacy merit when you gain something of value from reading it.
Is a quality shared by all works of fiction that are considered to have aesthetic value. –standing the test of time –realistic characters –emotional complexity –Originality –the concern with truth
What teachers should look for when selecting a novel for the curriculum
Teachers should look at context of the book to prove its literary merit or not. It’s overall just a good novel - its descriptive, exciting, etc. Quality of Book (Literary Merit)
“Likeability” of Book The rating and reviews of the book from the district and state. To see how many people liked their book around the age limit.
“Readability” of book They look if it is capable for students to read. If they can read the book on there own. Teachers most often ask them selves if its to hard to easy for students.
Relevance They should look to see if it gives them information on teaching students a lesson on something. The teachers and the district need to consider that the plot of the story can teach students many things. Some of the situations that come up in the book are some problems dealt with in the real world.
Appropriateness Teachers and the district need to consider that when students read books they are not found of, they do bad on tests and quizzes that are based on a boring book because they just are not interested in the novel. Sometimes teachers and the district can maybe “ over react” on some of the novels that are brought up. also, teachers and the district can be vary keen on what can and can’t be let into what we can read and can’t read.