Visitor’s path declassification for LS2 and LS3? (Summary of first discussion K. Barth with RP – H. Vincke)
Visitor path in UX25 Declassification from supervised area for LS2 (and LS3?) Have the visitor path in UX25 declassified would allow to bring down also visitor groups with an age limit of >= 12 (limit presently >=16 because of supervised area rules) Access control (accounting of person) going down in UX25 remains (imposed by fire/evacuation risk) The start of the supervised area could be displaced from SX2/PAD down to UX25 outside the safe area of PX24 under certain conditions. If we want to keep the entire visitor path in UX25 (including access to the low beta platform) only part of it will be in a declassified zone. Idea is to have the entire UX25 path for visitor groups (>=16years) and for visitors < 16 years only access to the part in the declassified zone.
Present ALICE Visitor path – SX2 Acces to CRs ALICE Visitor Center Cooling Area ALICE Buffer Zone ALICE Runcontrol Center (ARC) Coffee Room WC ALICE Workshop In Non-supervised Zone Supervised Zone
Alice Visitor Path – Present start of part in supervised area
Present ALICE Visitor path – UX25 In Non-supervised Zone Supervised Zone
With proposed change of supervised area start ALICE Visitor path – SX2 Acces to CRs ALICE Visitor Center Cooling Area ALICE Buffer Zone ALICE Runcontrol Center (ARC) Coffee Room WC ALICE Workshop In Non-supervised Zone Supervised Zone
In Non-supervised Zone Supervised Zone With proposed change of supervised area start ALICE Visitor path – SX2
Conditions / Needs to change supervised area The supervised area has to be limited/closed. Before this was assured via the PAD/MAD. To change start would mean in UX25 to put fences and doors (with card reader and IMPACT controlled access point). -> detailed study needed Modification of start of stairs (I-side) to allow fencing of the area in level 0 around the cooling plants. -> detailed study needed Hand/feet + material radiation monitors must be moved from PX24 top level to level 0 inside safe zone to be close to entry to the supervised zone. Materials to come out of the supervised area must be measured and if active they must be transported via the crane to top level PX24 buffer zone.
Example of fencing in LHCb visitor area