Get involved. Stay involved. How could this situation have gone another way if this Good Samaritan hadn’t been so dedicated to doing the right thing? Mar. 24, 2014
Kindness 101 (2:47) Mar. 24, Copy and paste the following link into your browser window to play. Remember to turn your volume up!
Take the Kindness Challenge! As you’re going up the stairs, high-five the people going down! Mar. 24, 2014
What do you think this quote means? Mar. 25, 2014
Random Acts of Kindness– Birthday (3:30) Mar. 25, Copy and paste the following link into your browser window to play. Remember to turn your volume up!
Take the Kindness Challenge! Hold the door for someone today! Mar. 25, 2014
Think-Pair-Share: Interpret this quote. What do you think it means? Mar. 26, 2014
Interpretation: We should all practice doing nice things for others, even if they can’t repay us or even thank us. When you do something nice for someone, it is a natural human response to want to do something nice for someone else. Mar. 26, 2014
Take the Kindness Challenge! Today, sit with someone you normally don’t sit with at lunch. Mar. 26, 2014
Bathroom Scale (1:35) Mar. 28, Copy and paste the following link into your browser window to play. Remember to turn your volume up!
1,000 Acts of Kindness Challenge Whenever you see someone being kind to another person, write it down and add it to the wall in the hallway across from the PawBuck Store. Let’s try to notice 1,000 acts of kindness this year! Mar. 28, 2014