2 has been. § Where WDOR has been. is headed. § Where WDOR is headed. § Issues § Issues WDOR is facing. § Lessons § Lessons WDOR has learned. WDOR approach. § The WDOR approach.
3 Where WDOR has been... n Since 1997, Lottery Division has been using data access tools and a modified operational data store for decision support n Approximately 30 unintegrated legacy tax processing systems
4 Where WDOR is headed... n Enterprise Data Warehouse n Integrated Tax System
5 Issues n WHAT is a data warehouse? n What is an ENTERPRISE data warehouse? n Integrating with “Integrated Tax”
6 What is a Data Warehouse? “Pure” Data Warehousing Data Access snapshot non-volatile integrated data flexible and efficient access to data
7 An Enterprise Data Warehouse n Sharing data across divisions n Planning for an enterprise implementation Making it enterprise relevant
8 Integrating with “Integrated Tax” One Component - Data Warehousing Pilot: Integrating data from Corporation Tax and Sales and Use Tax systems in order to support better targeting of audit candidates selection
9 Benefits n Well-focused pilot with contained scope n Significant executive and legislative support – Fiscal accountability n Legacy systems are being integrated
10 Challenges n Shifting data sources – Legacy sources migrating during implementation and after startup n Significant resource strains and organizational change
11 Lessons Learned n Database design n Involving users n Testing tools n Creating a Statement of Work n Managing expectations
12 Database Design n Enterprise Dimensional Model – Key conformed Facts and Dimensions Iterations must integrate with Enterprise Model or be justified – Avoid separate data marts that will need to be integrated later
13 Involving Users n Data Access Tools evaluation – Over 35 business users participated in criteria identification, vendor presentations, final evaluation n Business Users as Core Project Team Members and Executive Sponsors
14 Testing Tools n Clearly define business requirements n Perform hands-on proof-of-concept testing n Feedback to companies regarding issues
15 Creating a Statement of Work n Identify major activities for the project n Determine resource and knowledge gaps n Identify deliverables n Identify vendor and DOR responsibilities n Re-evaluate timeline n Executive Sponsor feedback
16 Managing Expectations n Use a communications plan n Educate and take a lead in establishing a vision n Advertise, Advertise, Advertise!
17 Our approach 4 Make it enterprise relevant – payroll data 4 The front-end and business users are most important 4 Build a data warehouse, not an ODS 4 Manage expectations