AIM Toolset Interfaces with Authoritative Technical Data 4 April 2012 Jim Ferrall, AIM Team
Overview Current AIM-to-IETM interfaces, including S1000D Issue 3 ADL CoLab S1000D Issue 4 Reduction of Total Ownership Cost (RTOC) Bridge Project
Current S1000D Projects E-2D: –S1000D Issue 3 –Sponsor: NAVAIR (PMA-231 – Dwayne Cole/coordinated by NAVAIR S1000D evangelist Bob Sharrer) –AIM II curricula in production use by E-2D Hawkeye upgrade program for delivery to CNATT S1000D-SCORM RTOC API Bridge –S1000D Issue 4.0 interface with CPM –Sponsor: ADL CoLab (Wayne Gafford) –AIM team participated in RTOC Year 1 and Year 2 – project closed out Sep 11 –Possible follow-on submarine community implementation by PMS-401
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The Problem No cost-effective method for responsively keeping learning content current with changes to authoritative digital technical data – AIM solved for CD-based tech data in 2000 – Navy shifting to on-line enterprise data repositories with no enterprise solution to this problem – Even more important for distributed self-paced training as inherent instructor surveillance efforts during personalization and presentation are removed – Must address emerging S1000D standard adopted by DoD / Navy, at least through Issue 3
Functional Requirement Support design and development of learning content tied to authoritative technical and procedural data Streamline learning content QA review, approval, and configuration management Simplify instructor preparation and delivery Promote efficient life-cycle surveillance and update Enhance cost-effective re-purposing of proven learning content
IETM Authoring Unique Element ID: Alphanumeric value used by IETM to assign distinct identifier for specific element Element Title: English language descriptive name for each individual node in IETM Persistent Element ID: Unique element ID maintained over multiple versions of IETM Version Information: Alphanumeric value used by individual IETM element to identify change level for that particular element (when element was added or modified)
IETM Interface Process EXTRACT structural data (“table of contents”) from IETM database IMPORT structural data into AIM BROWSE IETM Structure via Resource Requirements List (Site RRL). Launch IETM viewer/browser to verify applicability of reference LINK specific Related Instructor Activity (RIA) or Trainee Guide (TG) Sheet to IETM reference CONDUCT SURVEILLANCE of curricula by importing revised IETM structural data and using detailed Change Impact Report/auto-generated maintenance flags signaling affected curriculum elements
Curriculum Development
Curriculum Change/Revision
E-2D Program Interface S1000D Issue 3 Tech data created by Northrop Grumman in InMedius CSDB and exported to Contenta CSDB for life-cycle management and delivery Final XML tech data product published from Contenta and distributed to all users for viewing via NAVAIR Standard IETM Viewer (NSIV) AIM II interface with published XML data for initial development/life-cycle surveillance / maint of learning content – will not interface directly with Contenta CSDB
E-2D Program Interface (S1000D Issue 3) Narrated Demo
RTOC Year 1 (FY09) S1000D Issue 4.0 Tech data created in several S1000D Issue 4-compliant CSDBs Modernized AIM interfaces directly with CSDB(s) via open API / Web services being designed and developed as part of this project Learning content developed and updated in AIM to be passed to CSDB(s) for integration with tech data CSDB output published in SCORM-compliant format for use with variety of e-learning delivery systems including SCORM- compliant LMSs Narrated video demo
Modernized AIM in RTOC Year 1
RTOC Year 2 (FY10) Build on Year 1 prototype efforts Add LSI and their CBT toolset to the RTOC team Focus on adapting CPM to output front-end design data to CSDB as SCORM Content Package Module (SCPM) LSI authoring tool plays primary role in building out learning content as S1000D Issue 4.x learning data modules (LDMs) based on SCPM generated by CPM and passed by CSDB Final content package stored in CSDB and output for use with LMS
S1000D-SCORM API Bridge – Year 2