Warm Up Find the GCF of these sets 1) 10, 122) 14, 213) 24, 40 Answers: 1) 2 2) 7 3) 8
Simplifying Fractions
What is simplifying fractions? Simplifying a fraction is reducing a fraction. In doing so, we are creating equivalent fractions which are fractions that have the same value or are equal. It is important because making the values of fractions smaller make it easier to understand and also easier to work with. Example:
How do we simplify fractions? The idea is to reduce the fraction by the same value in the numerator (top) as in the denominator (bottom). What do we know that allows us to find such a number? The GCF! So find the GCF of the numerator and the denominator and then divide!
Example Simplify Find the GCF of 12 and 64! 12: : GCF = 22 = 4 So divide the top and the bottom by 4 What does that give us? This is our simplified answer
Example Simplify Find the GCF of 39 and 104! 39: : GCF = 13 So divide the top and the bottom by 13 What does that give us? This is our simplified answer