Chapter 15 Semicolons and Colons
Level 1: Basic Uses of the Semicolon *Semicolons are used to tell readers that there are two closely related ideas that should be thought of together. Independent Clauses Separated by Conjunctive Adverbs The primary use of the semicolons is to connect two independent clauses with: Conjunctive adverb (therefore, however, consequently, and then) Transitional expression (ex: thus) I worked very hard on this project; however, my partner did not.
Remember conjunctive adverbs also can serve as parenthetical adverbs. Commas are used because it interrupts the flow of one independent clause. The biggest health problems facing employees, namely, work-related stress, costs a large... Independent Clauses Without Coordinating Conjunctions or Conjunctive Adverbs When two independent clauses are separated with only a semicolon (no transition or conjunctive adverb) The man's dog searched for an opening in a gate; he found a small hole in the gate. The test was very difficult; I needed to study more than two hours.
Series Containing Internal Commas or Complete Thoughts Semicolons are used to separate items in a series when one or more of the items in the series have internal commas. I used to work in New York, New York; Miami, Florida; and Kansas City, Missouri. Semicolons are also used to separate three or more independent clauses. The first thing that the young man did in the morning was to take a shower; the next thing was that he brushed his teeth; and the final thing he did was get dressed for the day.
The young man took a shower, he brushed his teeth, and he got dressed. Short independent clauses can be separated by commas. The young man took a shower, he brushed his teeth, and he got dressed.
Level 2: Basic Uses of the Colon *A colon is most often used to introduce lists, quotations, and explanatory sentences. How many spaces are after a colon? Formally Listed Items Colons are used after an independent clause that introduces one, two, or three items. There is one thing that is important in the classroom: respect. The employees that will start tonight: Mike, Tami, and Kyle. There are the top three plans for renovations: 1. Paint the walls 2. Put down new carpet 3. Put in new windows
Do not use colons unless the list is introduced by an independent clause. If it is not an independent clause the list is needed to finish the sentence. The three employees are Mitch, Paul, and Maya. Do not use a colon when an intervening sentence falls between the introductory statement and the list. According to a recent survey, these are the best companies to work for. The survey was conducted by Fortune. NetApp Boston Consulting Group Edward Jones Google
Long Quotations Colons are used when there is a long quotation. The quotation marks are used around the quotation. The building manager said: “Everyone will be able to move back in at the end of the month. The damage by the tornado was horrible.” If a quotation is longer than three lines, it needs to be indented and set apart from the introductory sentence. Quotations are not needed. Carla Rimmes, author of The Tower of Terror, speaks about her next book: The new book will be out at the end of the month...
Tony Stark is know as the “playboy of comic books.” Incomplete quotations not interrupting the flow of a sentence require no colon, no comma, and no initial capital letter. Tony Stark is know as the “playboy of comic books.” Explanatory Sentence Use colons to separate two independent clauses if the second clause explains, illustrates, or supplements the first. To succeed in this job, you must remember one thing: you are here to serve the customer.
Level 3: Special Uses Special Uses of Semicolons Introductory Expressions Such as namely, for instance, and that is When introductory expressions immediately follow independent clauses, they may be preceded by either commas or semicolons. If the words following the introductory expression form a series or an independent clause, use a semicolon before the introductory expression and a comma after. Google offers unique benefits to its employees; for instance, an onsite hair stylist, meals prepared by gourmet chefs, financial planning classes, shuttle service, and an outdoor volleyball court.
When the list or explanation that follows the introductory expression is not a series or an independent clause, use commas before and after the introduction. We value one trait in our employees above all other, i.e., integrity. Introductory expressions may introduce parenthetical words (extra information) and commas are used. If there are several items needed to be separated with commas, use dashes or parentheses. Basic employee rights-- for instance, minimum wage, overtime, and child labor protection-- were first mandated in 1938 with the passage of the Fair Labor Standards Act.
TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Melinda May: 12:30 a.m. 17:20 Special Uses of Colons Business Letter Salutations TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Melinda May: Time 12:30 a.m. 17:20 Publication Titles Place a colon between titles and subtitles of books, articles, and other publications. “Cash for Keys: LA's Go-To Guy on Foreclosures”
Capitalization Following Colons When a colon is used to introduce a series in sentence in sentence format, do not capitalize the first word after the colon, unless it is a proper noun. The six Cs of effective business communication are the following: clarity, courtesy, conciseness, completeness, correctiveness, and confidence. When colon is use to introduce a series in a vertical list, capitalize first letter of each item in the list. In restaurants there are two things that are important: 1. Customers 2. Respectful Staff
Capitalize quotations following a colon. Do not capitalize the first letter of an independent clause following a colon if that clause explains or supplements the first, unless the first word is a proper noun. Special Olympics has one overriding mission: through the power of sport, Special Olympics strives to create a better world by fostering the acceptance and inclusion of all people. Capitalize the first letter of an independent clause following a colon if the clause states a formal rule. Remember the Golden Rule our grandmother taught us: Do to others, as you would want to be done to you. Capitalize quotations following a colon.