M&E of policy influence some guidance thoughts…
Elements of a monitoring frame.. Policy objective and theory of change Indicators Data collection tools
Starting with policy objective and TOC.. To identify key moments Change in resettlement practices Access to Secretary, Ministry of Highways Public pressure to change Workshops with RDA officers Media dissemination Workshops with ADB, JICA ? ?
Thinking about indicators… Output level Meetings, presentations…. Outcome level Uptake: citations, media clippings…. Changes in Knowledge, Attitudes, Behaviors: changes in interest, participation in events… Policy Impact level Changes in policy / practice: changes in policy documents, legislation, replication….
Choosing data collection tools.. Sources of data The IE team The users - policy makers / practitioners Academics, other researchers Media ….. Possible tools o AIIM o After Action Reviews o User Surveys o Bellwether Method o Outcome Mapping o Most significant change o …… Possible tools o AIIM o After Action Reviews o User Surveys o Bellwether Method o Outcome Mapping o Most significant change o ……
After action reviews Useful for evaluating quality of outputs Guiding Questions What was supposed to happen? What actually happened? Why were there differences? What worked? What didn’t? Why? What would you do differently next time? Turn conscious learning into tacit knowledge..
User surveys Useful for monitoring uptake - to get perceptions and reactions of a range of users Can be in the form of Large scale questionnaires Small focus group discussions Useful for monitoring uptake of websites, policy briefs
Bellwether Method Bellwethers Defined ‘Influentials’ in the public and private sectors whose positions require that they are politically informed and that they track a broad range of policy issues ► Policymakers ► Administrators ► Media ► Advocates ► Funders ► Business ► Associations ► Policymakers ► Administrators ► Media ► Advocates ► Funders ► Business ► Associations Useful for monitoring if policy messages have ‘broken through’
Group Exercise Question: What indicators can you suggest to monitor whether the IE’s policy objective(s) are being met? To the plenary, please present the following Proposed indicators together with rationale, for the selected project any “lessons” from the exercise that the other projects in the group can take forward into their own projects
How to monitor policy influence: in summary Many activities, many contexts, much still to be learnt on how to monitor But some lessons are available: Select few key Indicators Use fit-for-purpose, easy to use data collection tools Where to begin? Policy Objective and Theory of Change If you want to read more… A guide to monitoring and evaluating policy influence by Harry Jones Making a difference: M&E of policy research by Ingie Hovland If you want to read more… A guide to monitoring and evaluating policy influence by Harry Jones Making a difference: M&E of policy research by Ingie Hovland