Presented by: Rain Saarman Henri Haidak Joshua Viinalass
South Dakota Capital – Pierre Largest city - Sioux Falls Area - 199,905 km2 Population - 814,180 White Americans 87.4% American Indians 8.2%
Geography Divided into three regions eastern South Dakota western South Dakota the Black Hills The Great Plains The Missouri River
History European contact began in 1743 In 1803, the United States purchased from Napoleon Wounded Knee Massacre, 1890 Became a state on November 2, 1889 Dust Bowl in 1930s
Culture Culture reflects its roots Pow wows gathering of North America's Native people Custer State Park's Buffalo Roundup Laura Ingalls Wilder Black Elk
“Great faces. Great places” The Corn Palace Black Hills Mount Rushmore George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln km2 18 m carvings