Alaska’s Citizen Review Panel
Presentation Outline Citizen Review Panel - Brief overview Panel’s activities since 2002 This year’s goals Your participation A short survey
Citizen Review Panel Federally Mandated – CAPTA 1996 State funds the Panel “The CRP shall examine the policies, procedures, and practices of State and local agencies and where appropriate, specific cases, to evaluate the extent to which State and local child protection system agencies are effectively discharging their protection responsibilities.”
Vision To enable the Office of Children’s Services to implement its policies and procedures in a culturally sensitive and consistent manner across the state.
CRP Mission Review and evaluate the practices and procedures of OCS Recommend changes and improvements
Activities of the Panel Examine policies and procedures of OCS Travel and meet with OCS and partnering agency staff Examining, where appropriate, specific cases; preparing and making available to the public an annual report.
Who are we? Volunteer members Broadly representative of the state – Diverse personal and professional background – All parts of the state – Some experience and familiarity with child protection The Panel’s members are chosen through a formal interview process
Every year… The Panel pursues a set of goals Travel to at least two locations in the state Meet with local OCS staff and partners Review relevant policies and procedures Meet monthly with OCS senior leadership Report to the State Legislature Produce an annual report with recommendations
Past recommendations… 2008 & That OCS continue to work toward having a fifth service region headquartered in Bethel
Past recommendations… Supporting and developing the relationship between OCS & ICWA (Indian Child Welfare Act) workers
Past recommendations… Work to improve the culture within the agency (Wasilla site visit)
Past recommendations… Establish deadlines that require non ‐ emergency petitions to be filed allowing for supervision of the family by the continuum of legal parties without necessitating the removal of the child.
This year’s goals 1.Guidelines for screening PSRs 2.Practice model for in-home services 3.Initial Assessments backlog 4.Assess need for OCS services in Unalaska
When we travel… The purpose is to get a ground-level view of OCS relationships and practices We meet with partner agencies and OCS staff Village travel is most important
Some of the sites visited… Barrow Bethel Cantwell Chitina Copper Center Delta Junction Fairbanks Gakona Glennallen Selavik Healy Juneau Kenny Lake Ketchikan Kodiak Northway Tok Valdez Kotzebue Noorvik
We’ve met with… Coast Guard personnel Counseling center staff District attorneys Foster parents Health aides & public health nurses ICWA workers Local police departments OCS staff School principals, nurses & counselors State troopers Tribal representatives WIC workers
We need to hear from you About – Your concerns with child protection in your community – Your interaction with OCS – Your observation on how things are going with OCS – Your feedback on CRP work You can remain anonymous. Your comments will be confidential.
Current members Diwakar Vadapalli, Anchorage (Chair) Dana Hallett, Haines (Vice-Chair) Susan Heuer, Anchorage Kristin Hull, Palmer Margaret McWilliams, Juneau Ben Creasey, Juneau Coordinator – Sylvan Robb
Interested in joining us? CRP needs members from other parts of the state – Voluntary – May involve travel – May take up special projects Formal selection process Contact us for an application
Alaska’s Citizen Review Panel For more information Contact Sylvan Robb