Agenda Quick Write….15 min 4 Categories of Contraception….15 min Risks and Views.…5 min Decision Making….10 min
Quick Write Worksheet with 3 columns – I know what this and could accurately explain it to someone else. – I have heard of this, but am not too familiar with it – I have no idea what this is Put words on the board in a column.
Abstinence Fertility Awareness Withdrawal Male Condom Female Condom Diaphragm Spermicide Pill Patch NuvaRing Injection Emergency Contracepti on I.U.D Sterilization Pregnancy STD
Turn and Talk Talk to person next to you and talk about your knowledge of each word.
Contraception A chemical, barrier, behavioral, or long term/surgical method of preventing fertilization of the ovum.
4 Categories of Contraception Behavioral-things/acts a person chooses not to engage in Barrier- keeps the sperm and egg from meeting Chemical/Hormonal- changes the body chemistry/messages via the hormones. Long term/Surgical- sterilization/permanent
Behavioral- Abstinence, Withdrawal, Fertility- Awareness Barrier- Male condom, Female condom, Diaphragm Chemical/Hormone- Spermicide, Pill, Patch, NuvaRing, Injection, Implant, IUD, Emergency Contraception Long Term/Surgical- Vasectomy, Female Sterilization
Risks of Sexual Behavior Unintended Pregnancy STD – HIV
Remember… – Do not assume that anyone or everyone has had vaginal intercourse just because we are discussing contraception. This is information that you may need now or later. – It is important to minimize risks when you do have sexual intercourse. The best way to do that is to use contraception. – Individual values about having sex and using contraception differ and that is okay.
Decision Making Define the problem. Identify limiting factors. Develop potential alternatives. Analyze the alternatives. Select the best alternative. Implement the decision. Establish a control and evaluation system.
Example I want to have sexual intercourse, but what method of contraception do I use? It is a decision between me and my partner. I do not have a job, so I need to choose an inexpensive kind. I want to have kids when I am older so I do not want anything permanent. Are there other kinds of contraception that I do not know about? Which alternative kind is the best? If my first choice does not work, I will use______ I will go buy______ Is this contraception working?