Bryan Ferguson –Level II Avalanche Safety –Level III Avalanche Forecaster American Avalanche Institute, Inc.
Objectives Avalanche avoidance Survival Rescue Spark interest Question authority
Alaska Maritime ranges & glacial seracs Inner-continental mountain range Colorado
Schema A day out - A sequence of events
Avalanche! Factors: Terrain Slope aspect Signs Terrain traps Weather Snow fall Wind Temperatures Snow pack Dynamic Evaluation Human Decisions Equipment Rescue
Terrain Factor
Terrain and Signs 5 slides
Route selection 1 Mt of the Holy Cross Quad
Route selection 2 Mt of the Holy Cross Quad
Weather Factor
Weather Snow fall Wind Prevailing Westerly Air temperatures
Snowpack Factor Avalanche Video
Evaluating the Snow Pack 7 slides Bed surface Hasty pits Data pits Assessing snow pack
Slab Avalanches
Maritime v. Intercontinental range Rockies - instability within snow pack tends to increase over time Slab avalanches Release Out skiing? Video Video Overview of Avalanches
Data pits Data pits provide professionals with time line data to aid in avalanche forecasting Snow Pack
Hasty pits Hasty pits let you see into the snow pack Evaluate: Bond between layers - AKA bed surfaces Temperature gradient - TG Dig to the ground in Colorado and other inner continental mountain ranges Snow Pack
Slides occur when the bond anchoring a slab to the bed surface releases A bed surface may be the ground or another layer within the snow pack…or a roof Bed surface Snow Pack
More hasty pits Temperature gradient =In snow pack (recalcitrant) Kinetic growth form crystals +1º in 10cm = TG Snow Pack
Assessing Snow Pack 1 slide How easily do slabs slide on bed surfaces? Rueschblock test Shovel shear and shovel tap tests
Human Factor Rider Video
Resources and Equipment Books CAIC AAI AAA Gear
Plan Route selection Gear selection Partners Skill set The Plan
Knowledge and decision making = responsibility Responsibility for others You are your friend’s only hope!
Plan What’s the goal/risk relationship? Does everyone agree? Weather history
Gear check Weather Contingency plan Compromise? Lead In Time
Gear selection Light and fast Safety equipment
Partners and group’s skills Skill, commitment, training and fitness
The day of…
Rescue & Survival 1 slide
If you are caught
If your friend is caught
First aid skills Half of all who die in avalanches, die of trauma Half die from asphyxiation CRP & WFR ABCDEs Airway Breathing Circulation Deformity Environment Prepare for Tx: Trauma Asphyxiation Hypothermia Shock
VIDEO Riders Avalanches