Paul Overberg, USA TODAY McCormick SRI: Going Deep with Census Demographic and Economic Data Phoenix, June 17-18, 2011 LEHD : A V ery L ocal L ook at W ho W orks W here 0:00
LEHD = Longitudinal Employer- Household Dynamics Data from employer UI filings Pooled state data, Census processing Labor Dept. funding (ETA, EDA) Where it comes from 0:46
Quarterly filing: Worker name, age, gender, industry, earnings Trackable worker ID Added: census block of home, work What data goes in 2:24
What data goes in 3:43
What data comes out Dynamics: quits, hires, layoffs Cross-tabs by age, industry, earnings Commuting flows 3:58
What can be studied Workforce aging, turnover rates Sectors: hot vs. not Clusters: downtown, office park, etc. Transit needs Competitive stance of local industries 5:10
Quarterly Workforce Indicators On the Map Others: Hot Reports, Industry Focus Chief products 6:12
Lags about a year Synthetic data Misses 5%: military, self-employed Does not include Mass.*, N.H. Caveats and cautions 6:40
Quarterly Workforce Indicators: On the Map: / / Demonstration 8:04
Demo Quarterly Workforce Indicators 8:10
QWI Online 9:30
QWI Online 12:38
QWI Online 17:10
Demo “On The Map” app 19:25