Emotional Development - 3 year olds Emotions are strong and visible It is acceptable to show emotions
Anger Temper tantrums aren’t acceptable Temper tantrums aren’t acceptable Try to control feelings Try to control feelings Expressed through words, “STOP IT!”,name calling, pouting, scolding Expressed through words, “STOP IT!”,name calling, pouting, scolding Anger may be directed at object or person they feel is responsible for frustration. Anger may be directed at object or person they feel is responsible for frustration.
Anger Less frustrated because more coordinated and have better language skills Less frustrated because more coordinated and have better language skills May be aggressive over toys May be aggressive over toys Your reaction is important, controlled and consistent Your reaction is important, controlled and consistent
Jealousy Reaches its peak at three Reaches its peak at three Jealous of a new baby or affection between parents Jealous of a new baby or affection between parents Regressive behaviors appear Regressive behaviors appear A need for extra love and attention A need for extra love and attention
Fear Some fear necessary for safety, i.e. fire Some fear necessary for safety, i.e. fire Abnormal fears are phobias, usually in shy or withdrawn children Abnormal fears are phobias, usually in shy or withdrawn children
Fear Many adopted from parents Many adopted from parents Quite fearful of imagined dangers (dark, monster, pain, etc.) Quite fearful of imagined dangers (dark, monster, pain, etc.) Separation anxiety may exist Separation anxiety may exist
Love and Affection Necessary for positive self concept Necessary for positive self concept Very demonstrative, want it returned Very demonstrative, want it returned May cling for approval, attention, or comfort May cling for approval, attention, or comfort
Emotions at 4 Causes and expressions change Causes and expressions change Self centered, causing defiance, loudness, bossiness, or boasting Self centered, causing defiance, loudness, bossiness, or boasting Need for approval and they seek it “See mine!” Need for approval and they seek it “See mine!” Strive for independence “I’ll do it myself!” Strive for independence “I’ll do it myself!”
Anger Physical violence is rare Physical violence is rare Words and yelling are used Words and yelling are used If physical, not okay to use on adults If physical, not okay to use on adults Need better role models to learn control Need better role models to learn control
Fear Imagination is major cause Imagination is major cause Start to see difference between real & imagined and cope with “It’s just pretend, right?” Start to see difference between real & imagined and cope with “It’s just pretend, right?” Still fear the dark, ghosts, thunder, lightning Still fear the dark, ghosts, thunder, lightning
Fear New knowledge and awareness of dangers is incomplete and causes “overgeneralization”, i.e. sharks might be in bathtub New knowledge and awareness of dangers is incomplete and causes “overgeneralization”, i.e. sharks might be in bathtub
Jealousy Sibling rivalry is common Sibling rivalry is common Express by tattling, criticizing, or lying Express by tattling, criticizing, or lying Encourage cooperation and empathy Encourage cooperation and empathy Let kids work it out Let kids work it out
Humor Always laughing Always laughing Developed sense of humor Developed sense of humor Don’t understand verbal jokes Don’t understand verbal jokes Like funny faces and silliness, i.e. a dog that moos Like funny faces and silliness, i.e. a dog that moos Need good role models. Harm to others is not funny Need good role models. Harm to others is not funny
Sadness Become aware of “death”. First experience may be loss of pet Become aware of “death”. First experience may be loss of pet Unaware of how to feel. It is okay to be sad and cry Unaware of how to feel. It is okay to be sad and cry Talk about feelings Talk about feelings
Sadness Role playing may help Role playing may help Give accurate and age appropriate information to deal with loss Give accurate and age appropriate information to deal with loss