Shakespeare Notes
Verona, Italy
Shakespeare Timeline: April 23 rd Shakespeare born (baptized April 26 th ) November- he weds Anne Hathaway (She is 7 years older than him.) He becomes a shareholder in the Globe April 23 rd dies at age First Folio created of his work
There are four types of Shakespeare Plays: History Comedy Tragedy Romance All of his plays however contain elements from each type.
Style: Shakespeare was obviously influenced by the Greek Tragedies and Comedies, but his style was all his own; he is known for using: blank verse, dramatic foil, monologue, soliloquy, aside and bawdy humor.
Blank Verse - unrhymed verse written in iambic pentameter; a 10 syllable lines in which every other syllable is stressed. “But soft what light through yonder window breaks…..” This creates the sound of a heart beat
Dramatic Foil : a character who brings out the personality of another character. Benvolio (benevolent) – Tybalt (violent) Hamlet (inward expression of grief) – Ophelia (outward expression of grief)
Monologue: a lengthy speech addressed to other characters. (The Friar and Ophelia’s Father)
Soliloquy: a speech a character gives alone on stage (Romeo and Hamlet).
Aside : a brief remark unheard by other characters onstage- directed at the audience.
Bawdy Humor: humor relating to the body/ dirty jokes. * All plays are in five acts.
Romeo and Juliet
The Theater is Shakespeare’s Day: 1.Performances were public, and due to lighting were only done during the daylight hours. 2.Around the courtyard was a 2-3 tiered gallery where wealthy playgoers sat on benches.
3.The poorer play goers, called groundlings, stood in the courtyard around the stage. 4.The stage was also built in two levels, creating a balcony stage… Also used for special events was the trap door and basement level.
5. Acting companies were composed only of men and boys. The boys performed the young female roles, and bawdy female servants were played by men. This is why there are very few wedding scenes. 6.The settings were non-existent in that they were only “mentioned” by the actors. There was however elaborate costumes and props.
A Brief Look at the Beliefs of the Elizabethan English The circle has a special meaning for Elizabethans, and thus it has significance for us today.
1. Man was said to be composed of the same 4 elements found in his surroundings: earth (dirt), water, air and fire. Often people were said to be unbalanced, and composed of more of one element than another.
So someone with more fire (choler) than water might have a bad temper.
Water = blood Earth = melancholy Air = phlegm Fire = choler (anger)
This information was often used to cure the afflicted…. For example, someone who appeared swollen with water might be bled using leeches, or cutting small incisions all over the patient/victim.
This idea of the humors also led into the notion of the Chain of Being. This chain of being was attached to the hand of God, and swung around, much as the earth revolves and makes a circle.
The four humors are part of this continuity and balance.
God Angels Man Animals Vegetables Minerals
3. Thus the circle has special symbolic meaning. When you trace a circle there is no stopping or starting place--- it is a continual motion, and thus stands for eternity.
Thus rings had particular romantic meaning as they alluded to the lasting power of a relationship.
Elizabethan Beauty: Elizabethans admired high foreheads (a sign of intelligence). The preferred snowy, pale skin and red lips. These looks were often achieved by plucking hairlines and applying arsenic to the face.
The Great Chain of Being
God Angels Kings/Queens Archbishops Dukes/Duchesses Bishops Marquises/Marchionesses Earls/Countesses Viscounts/Viscountesses Barons/Baronesses Abbots/Deacons Knights/Local Officials Ladies-in-Waiting Priests/Monks Squires Pages Messengers Merchants/Shopkeepers Tradesmen Yeomen Farmers Soldiers/Town Watch Household Servants Tennant Farmers Shephards/Herders Beggars Actors Thieves/Pirates Gypsies Animals Birds Worms Plants Rocks