When He instituted the Lord’s Supper… Jesus took breadJesus took bread –“gave thanks” (Lk, 1 Cor); “blessed” (Mt, Mk) –“broke it and gave it to them” –“This is My body” (Mt, Mk), “which is given/broken for you” (Lk, 1 Cor.) Jesus took the cupJesus took the cup –“gave thanks” (Mt, Mk) –“gave it to them, they all drank” (Mt, Mk) –“This is My blood,” “which is shed for you/ many for the remission of sins” Mt. 26:26-29; Mk. 14:22-25; Lk. 22:19-22; 1 Cor. 11:23-26
Matthew 26:26-29
Jesus Gave Thanks! Jesus contemplated how much He would endure for us – and He gave thanks!Jesus contemplated how much He would endure for us – and He gave thanks! –Exceedingly sorrowful & deeply distressed – Mt. 26:37-38 –In agony, sweat drops of blood – Lk. 22:44 –Arrested and bound – Jn. 18:12 –Struck with palms – Jn. 18:22 –Spit upon, blindfolded, beaten – Mk. 14:65 –Mocked, blasphemously spoken against – Lk. 22:63-65 –Stripped, scourged, purple robe, crown of thorns – Mt. 27:26 –Bear His cross – Jn. 19:17 –Crucified, nailed to a cross – Mt. 27:35 –Sneered, mocked, blasphemed – Lk. 23:35-39 This is my body! -29
Jesus Gave Thanks! Jesus contemplated how much He wanted us to be saved & go to heaven – and He gave thanks!Jesus contemplated how much He wanted us to be saved & go to heaven – and He gave thanks! –Without shedding of blood there is no remission – Heb. 9:22 –Not possible blood of bulls & goats take away sins – Heb. 10:4 –Washes us from our sins – Rev. 1:5 –Purchased the church with His own blood – Acts 20:28 –God set forth as a propitiation by His blood – Rom. 3:25 –Justified by His blood…shall be saved from wrath – Rom. 5:9 –Redemption thru His blood, forgiveness – Eph. 1:7; 1 Pet. 1:19 –With His own blood…obtained eternal redemption – Heb. 9:12 –Once were far off…brought near by the blood – Eph. 2:13 –Reconcile…made peace thru the blood of His cross – Col. 1:20 –Redeemed out of every tribe, tongue, people, nation – Rev. 5:9 –Blood…cleanse your conscience…to serve – Heb. 9:14 –Purified with blood – Heb. 9:22 –Sanctify the people with His own blood – Heb. 13:12 –Make complete in every good work to do His will – Heb. 13:20-21 –Cleanses us (faithful Christians) from all sin – 1 John 1:7 This is my blood!
Come back tonight to make personal application Bring a list of 5 things Christians endure in their lives for the Lord (that others do not endure) Bring a list of 5 things Christians do in their lives to go to heaven (that others do not do)
Let Jesus save you today! Believe Jesus is God’s Son – Hebrews 11:6 Repent of your sins – Luke 13:3 Confess your faith in Jesus – Matthew 10:32 Be immersed in water – Romans 6:3-4 –Sins are forgiven – Acts 2:38 –Added to His church – Acts 2:47 –Registered in heaven – Hebrews 12:23 Walk faithfully in the light – 1 John 1:7