Message Queuing
Advanced Message Queuing Protocol 1 The 'Advanced Message Queuing Protocol' ('AMQP') is an open standard application layer protocol for message- oriented middleware. The defining features of AMQP are message orientation, queuing, routing (including point-to-point and Publish/subscribe|publish-and- subscribe), reliability and security.
Advanced Message Queuing Protocol - Not yet AMQP 1.0 broker Implementations 1 * StormMQ, a hosted message queuing service using AMQP. It is offered as a commercial managed services|managed service.
Microsoft Message Queuing 1 'Microsoft Message Queuing' or 'MSMQ' is a message queue implementation developed by Microsoft and deployed in its Microsoft Windows|Windows Server operating systems since Windows NT 4 and Windows 95. The latest Windows 8 also includes this component. In addition to its mainstream server platform support, MSMQ has been incorporated into Microsoft Embedded platforms since 1999 and the release of Windows CE
Microsoft Message Queuing - Overview 1 The following ports are used for Microsoft Message Queuing operations:
Microsoft Message Queuing - Overview 1 * These port numbers may be incremented by 11 if the initial choice of RPC port is being used when Message Queuing initializes. Port 135 is queried to discover the 2xxx ports.
Message queuing - Overview 1 Implementations exist as proprietary software, provided as Message Queuing as a Service, as open source software, or being hardware-based.
Message queuing - Overview 1 Proprietary options have the longest history, and include products from the inception of message queuing, such as IBM's WebSphere MQ (formerly MQ Series), and those tied to specific Operating Systems, such as Microsoft Message Queuing. Message Queuing as a Service options, such as StormMQ and IronMQ, exist.
Message queuing - Overview 1 There are a number of open source choices of messaging middleware systems, including JBoss Messaging, JORAM, Apache ActiveMQ, Open Message Queue|Sun Open Message Queue, Apache Qpid,[ Apache Qpid Project, an implementation of Advanced Message Queuing Protocol|AMQP]. RabbitMQ, Beanstalkd, Tarantool and HTTPSQS.[ HTTPSQS, a message queue based on HTTP GET/POST protocol.]
Message queuing - Overview 1 The Erlang programming language uses processes to provide concurrency; these processes communicate asynchronously using message queuing.
Message queuing - Standards and protocols 1 Historically, Message Queuing has used proprietary, closed protocols, restricting the ability for different operating systems or programming languages to interact in a heterogeneous set of environments.
Message queuing - Standards and protocols 1 An early attempt to make Message Queuing more ubiquitous was Sun Microsystem's Java_Message_Service|JMS specification, which provided a Java (software platform)|Java-only abstraction of a client Application programming interface|API. This allowed Java developers to switch between providers of Message Queuing in a fashion similar to that of developers using SQL databases. In practice, given the diversity of Message Queuing techniques and scenarios, this wasn't always as practical as it could be.
Message queuing - Standards and protocols 1 * Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP) - feature-rich message queue protocol
Message queuing - Standards and protocols 1 This is because it is always possible to layer asynchronous behaviour (which is what is required for Message Queuing) over a synchronous protocol using request-response semantics
For More Information, Visit: m/the-message-queuing- toolkit.html m/the-message-queuing- toolkit.html The Art of Service