Environmental Remediation Science Division PART Review Long-term measure: by 2015 ERSD will “provide sufficient scientific understanding to allow a significant fraction of DOE sites to incorporate coupled biological, chemical and physical processes into decision making for environmental remediation and long-term stewardship”. ERSD supports fundamental scientific research that underpins the Department’s needs in environmental remediation and long-term stewardship.
Task 1: Assess progress towards LTM The research program is aligned with DOE Program needs Basic science calls are consistent with the Strategic Plan Has assessed its progress toward LTM through annual measure. The long-term measure is ambitious and the path to completion will not be linear. Has a searchable database of funded projects. COV evaluation in ‘04 found the program well aligned with mission, has catalyzed many interlab collaborations, and...is of highest quality …and much at cutting edge. That progress toward the LTM over the past three years has been excellent.
ERSD Research Strategy Flow Chart
Task 2: Assess appropriateness of PART measures The committee finds the ERSD PART measure, and the annual measures, to be reasonable and appropriate. The LTM includes definitions (from Excellent to Poor). This ios best quantified by a broad review of ERSD research and EM remediation strategies, as simple statistical approaches will likely be misleading.
Task 3: Assess how well positioned to make progress The overall achievement towards the LTM is possible and a reasonable pathway towards achievement exists and is being implemented Success of field research center (FRC) and expansion of FRC’s in line with LTM. Documentation of use of science findings at several DOE sites and contaminant problems: Hanford, Rocky Flats, Rifle, Savannah River, Oak Ridge (bullets on pg 8- 9)
Findings & Recommendations The review committee finds: The ERSD long-term measure is appropriate; BER’s progress toward the LTM over the past three years has been excellent; - Overall achievement of the LTM is possible and a reasonable pathway toward that achievement exists and is being implemented. The review committee recommends: - Strategic plan provides clear and well-organized approach to meeting goals - BER identify sites to which LTM should apply (define denominator) - Seek opportunities to provide supporting discussion - Maintain the ERSD on-line project database - Continue to post quality, technical reports of quarterly progress. - Focus on fundamental science but enhance efforts to involve DOE Program Offices. - Consider impacts of any budget reductions, and appropriately revise measures. Though the diversity of sites will require broadening of field research.