Chair of general and ethnic psychology
Tolegen Тazhibaev ( ) ( ) In 1947 preparation of national shots on psychology on office of psychology and logic which was opened by Tolegen Tazhibayev according to the resolution of the Central committee of All-Union Communist Party (bolsheviks) of 1946 about obligatory teaching logic and psychology at all schools of the Soviet Union was for the first time begun. History of chair
In September, 1980 the independent all-university chair under the leadership of Zharikbayev K.B. was created. In September, 1980 the independent all-university chair under the leadership of Zharikbayev K.B. was created.
The first lecture courses on basic disciplines for students psychologists at the high professional level were given by the candidate of psychological sciences, associate professor Madzhelat Mazhitovich Mukanov (the graduate of faculty of psychology of MSU) and the candidate of psychological sciences, associate professor Roza Zhagypparovna Zhanabekova (the graduate of faculty of psychology I LIE).
Shabelnikov V. K. – professor Duysenbekov D. D. – professor Bayshukurova A.K. – c.b.n. Hismatullina R. H. senior lecturer Saparova I.A. - associate professor Baytikova Sh. S. - associate professor
Заведующие кафедрой Dzhakupov S. M. Zharikbayev K.B. Duysenbekov D. D. Loginova N. A. Tashimova F.S.Bayshukurova A.K. Kabakova M.P. Zhanazarova Z.Zh.
In May, 2009 according to the solution of the Academic Council of university two chairs were united in department of the general and ethnic psychology again. In May, 2009 according to the solution of the Academic Council of university two chairs were united in department of the general and ethnic psychology again. The head of the department - the doctor of psychological sciences, professor Dzhakupov S.M. The head of the department - the doctor of psychological sciences, professor Dzhakupov S.M.
Teachers of chair At the moment on chair At the moment on chair general and ethnic psychology general and ethnic psychology 35 teachers work: 35 teachers work: 10 professors 10 professors 3 doctors of PhD 3 doctors of PhD 14 associate professors 14 associate professors 4 senior teachers 4 senior teachers 3 teachers 3 teachers 1 assistant 1 assistant The manager of chair – Kalymbetova E.K., associate professor
Teachers of chair Teachers of chair Duysenbekov D. D. Zharikbayev K.B. Berdibayeva S. K. Kim A.M. Dzhakupov S. M. Aymaganbetova A.Kh.
Toksanbayeva N. K. Tashimova F.S. Akhtayeva N. S. Turkpen-ula Zh. Tolegenova A. A. Kamzanova A. T. Zholdasova M. K.
Teachers of chair Teachers of chair Zhubanazarova N. S. Ilyusizova S. M. Kabakova M.P. Satybaldina N. K. Basybekova K.E. Bayshukurova A.K.
Teachers of chair Boltayeva A.M. Kudaybergenova S. K. Mun M. V. Fayzulina A.K. Sadykova N. M. Seytnur Zh. S. Kunanbayeva M. N.
Baymoldina L. Лиясова А. А. Adilova E.T. Оскенбай F.S. Sadykova A.T. Begimzhanova G.
Members of chair participate in the international psychological congresses and conferences - Montreal, 1996; Budapest, 1997; Vienna, 1997; St. Petersburg, 1997; - European psychological congress, Rome, 1999; - The XXVII International congress on psychology, Stockholm, 2000; - XI European psychological congress, Oslo-2009; - The XII European congress on psychology, Istanbul 2011;
The chair develops business connections with faculties of psychology of MSU and St.Petersburg State University, Institute of psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, The chair develops business connections with faculties of psychology of MSU and St.Petersburg State University, Institute of psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, psychological scientifically - the educational centers of Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Canada, the USA and Great Britain. psychological scientifically - the educational centers of Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Canada, the USA and Great Britain.
Aymaganbetov A.Kh. as a part of delegation on training in England Cape Town (Republic of South Africa) – Prague – 2013.
Kustubayeva A. M., Kamzanov A. T. with the scientific consultant D. Matthews at Cincinnati university in the USA
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