Warm-up Activity Answer the following 3 questions: What is one thing about data digs you learned or thought about since the introduction on Friday? What is one thing analyzing data in this way can do to help us achieve our school goal? What is one thing you will do to use data to help improve your instruction? Modeling: Warm-up activity or Bell Ringer is a short activity for use at the start of a class period. They are designed to get student’s attention, to help them put aside distracting thoughts, and to get them ready to focus individually and as a group on whatever activity will follow.
School Goal All Wasson teachers will use the TAP Model, emphasizing AVID strategies to increase student engagement and reduce the number of students scoring unsatisfactory and partially proficient by 50% or more on the 2012 CSAP Assessment. Cluster Goal By the end of the meeting teachers will be able to disaggregate classroom CSAP data and use the information to develop and adjust lesson plans to meet student’s needs.
Agenda Revisit Friday’s Professional Development – Questions and concerns, AVID/WICR, scripting/scoring Review Cluster Norms Pass out additional handouts for data dig: Flow Chart, CSAP cut scores & data analysis form, Say it With Senses writing strategy Discuss the relevance of data analysis and longitudinal standardized test data to guide instruction Disaggregate the data for one selected class to determine all students who are Usat, BP, PP and P by gender, ethnicity, etc. as indicated on the CSAP data analysis form Review one writing standard and show the relationship to students scoring Usat, BP, PP and P
Teachers will bring evidence of embedding one writing strategy in a lesson(s) to the next cluster meeting to share out Teachers will be expected to bring the following to the next Cluster meeting: a copy of classroom procedures and rules, syllabus, provide one positive learning or instructional activity to share with the cluster and have state standards, AVID/WICR strategies and TAP rubric poster(s) visible in class rooms. Wrap-up – questions and assessment of meeting Future meeting considerations: as much as possible we would like to use electronic text in future meetings. Please bring your Ipads, netbooks/laptop computers
Revisit Friday’s Professional Development – Questions and concerns, AVID/WICR, scripting/scoring……………………….10 minutes Review Cluster Norms…………………………………………………….5 minutes Pass out additional handouts for data dig: Flow Chart, CSAP cut scores & data analysis form, Say it With Senses writing strategy ……………………………………………………………………… ………….…….2 minutes Discuss the relevance of data analysis and longitudinal standardized test data to guide instruction…………………………………….…….5 minutes Disaggregate the data for one selected class to determine all students who are Usat, BP, PP and P by gender, ethnicity, etc. as indicated on the CSAP data analysis form………………….….15 minutes Review one writing standard and show the relationship to students scoring Usat, BP, PP and P……………….………………………………5 minutes
Create one learning objective in your lesson plan that includes a writing strategy that targets low performing students – “Say it With Senses” …………..………………………………………………………………………………..15 minutes Teachers will bring evidence of embedding one writing strategy in a lesson(s) to the next cluster meeting to share out Teachers will be expected to bring the following to the next cluster meeting: a copy of classroom procedures and rules, syllabus, provide one positive learning or instructional activity to share with the cluster and have state standards, AVID/WICR strategies and TAP rubric poster(s) visible in class rooms Wrap-up – DOL – questions and assessment of meeting ………….5 minutes DOL question Write one strategic learning about data digs you learned today