LITERACY PROFESSIONAL LEARNING RESOURCE Primary Schools Program Session 5: Personalised Inquiry
Session 5 (Day 2) aims to: deepen literacy knowledge and understanding provide opportunities to explore the resource investigate an explicit question that reflects: -School Strategic Plan -current focus at your school -personal interest.
Personalised inquiry Eight questions have been posed - select one to investigate. You can also formulate your own question to investigate Get the questions here Get the questions here.
Personalised inquiry questions 1. How does the resource make links to the English Continuum and VELS? How will I inform my staff of these links?
Personalised inquiry questions 2. How can the resource support our school in implementing the Strategic Plan? What is the most effective way to inform my Leadership Team about this resource?
Personalised inquiry questions 3. How can the resource, beyond Level 4, support literacy learning at our school? How can I inform my colleagues?
Personalised inquiry questions 4. How can I inform staff of a new teaching strategy or assessment tool presented in the resource? What is an overview of the teaching strategy/assessment tool?
Personalised inquiry questions 5. What will be the impact of the key messages of the resource for my school? (Reference: About the Resource)
Personalised inquiry questions 6. What do the key messages from a theory look like in the classroom? Select one theory and present your findings.
Personalised inquiry questions 7. What is the Genre Teaching and Learning Cycle? (Key Concept-Level 4)
Personalised inquiry questions 8. How does a key concept develop in the Levels 1-4?
Personalised inquiry What is the Fourth Grade Slump in reading?
Flow chart Fourth Grade Slump Students suddenly begin to struggle Chall- two stages of reading: Grades 1,2,3 – learning to read Grades 4 and beyond – reading to learn Causes: lack of fluency and automaticity Students challenged by the greater number of abstract, technical and literary word characteristics A teaching focus of comprehension instruction will support students to understand complex text (Grosso de Leon) Resources Links – great!
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