The Limits of Worldly Wealth


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Presentation transcript:

The Limits of Worldly Wealth 1 Timothy 6:6-19

Compared to the majority of the world are all American’s wealthy? I have known people with worldly wealth who have not been content in their lives? Financial pressure affects my life how?

Has the current recession shown you what’s important? Do you think the current recession has served as payback for over indulging? (National survey said 42% replied yes.)   Has the current recession shown you what’s important? (National survey said 38% replied yes.) Do you think the current recession proves that capitalism is bad? (National survey said 14% replied yes.) Source: USA Today snapshots 4-27-09

Theresa Sokaitis and Rose Bakaysa

George W. Truett

Godliness + Contentment = Fulfillment DISCUSSION GUIDE 1. What does Paul teach Timothy about living a fulfilled life? (1 Timothy 6:6) Godliness + Contentment = Fulfillment

DISCUSSION GUIDE 2. Contentment is a word that Paul introduced in the New Testament. Look up his other references and record your thoughts on his use of the word. a. (2 Corinthians 9:8) God’s grace brings contentment b. (Philippians 4:11-13) Faith in Christ provides contentment no matter what life brings

DISCUSSION GUIDE 3a. How content are you right now, today?   b. If you feel discontented do you need to evaluate your priorities?

DISCUSSION GUIDE 4. What are the ramifications of (v. 7)? Everything we have is a gift from God Material wealth/goods have no eternal value Material wealth can be used for eternal results if it supports eternal enterprises More time should be spent on accumulating eternal rewards not earthly ones

DISCUSSION GUIDE 5. What material things does Paul say are all we need? (v. 8) Food and shelter.

6. How have you gone way beyond just food and shelter? DISCUSSION GUIDE 6. How have you gone way beyond just food and shelter?

DISCUSSION GUIDE 7. Do (vs. 9-10) mean that money is evil and should be avoided? No, money in and of itself is not evil, it is the all consuming pursuit of material wealth that is evil.

DISCUSSION GUIDE 8. Has the pursuit of material possessions ever landed you in trouble? How?

DISCUSSION GUIDE 8. In (vs. 11-14) Paul outlines a prescription for successful Christian living. Fill in the blanks below to outline his prescription. (v. 11) Keep away from the love of money Pursue righteousness Godliness Faithfulness Love

DISCUSSION GUIDE 8. In (vs. 11-14) Paul outlines a prescription for successful Christian living. Fill in the blanks below to outline his prescription. f. Endurance g. Gentleness h. (v. 12) Compete well for the faith i. Claim the victory of eternal living j. (v. 14) Obey, stay consistent in these things

DISCUSSION GUIDE 10. How are you doing in the traits listed above? Rate yourself on a scale of 1-10 with 1 being going backwards and 10 being thriving. 3

To live humbly, do good, be generous and lay up eternal treasures. DISCUSSION GUIDE 11. What does Paul teach those with material wealth about how to live? To live humbly, do good, be generous and lay up eternal treasures.  

DISCUSSION GUIDE 12. If all Americans’ are considered wealthy compared to the majority of the world, what are the implications of Paul’s teaching for you?  

Contentment Through Daily Christian Living Alert Am I alert to false doctrine and worldly teaching? Studious Do I spend time soaking in God’s Word? Solid Am I grounded in my beliefs? Do I know enough about Christianity to defend my faith? Disciplined Is my life an overflow of a Godly life? Hardworking Do I work hard in spiritual disciplines and secular work? Am I known as a hard-worker or a sloth?

Authoritative. Do I take a stand against sin or Authoritative Do I take a stand against sin or do I avoid confrontation? Exemplary Is my lifestyle an example of Godly integrity and character? Bible-based Do I base my life on the principles taught in God’s Word? Persistent Do I finish all tasks or do I quit on occasion? Single-minded Do I serve one master alone? Growing Am I making spiritual progress?

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