Kingdom Fungi All photographsin this presentation © Pearson Education or Fred M. Rhoades.


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Presentation transcript:

Kingdom Fungi All photographsin this presentation © Pearson Education or Fred M. Rhoades

Copy in right page in your INB Fungi Fungi ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ Saprophytic- _________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ Characteristics Source of Food Reproduction ______trophic by absorption Mutualistic -________________ _______________________roots/fungus_______________________algae/fungus Parasitic-____________

The Characteristics of Fungi Fungi are NOT plants Hyphae = tubular units of construction (no cells) Heterotrophic by absorption Reproduce by spores, fragmentation, mitosis, budding Ecologically important niches

Hyphae Tubular Hard wall of chitin Crosswalls may form compartments (not cells) Multinucleate Grow at tips Mycelium = extensive, feeding web of hyphae

Heterotrophic by Absorption Fungi get carbon from organic sources Hyphal tips release enzymes Enzymatic breakdown of substrate Products diffuse back into hyphae Product diffuses back into hypha and is used Nucleus hangs back and “directs”

Reproduce by spores Spores are reproductive cells *Sexual *Asexual Formed: *Directly on hyphae *Inside sporangia *Fruiting bodies Amanita fruiting body Pilobolus sporangia Penicillium hyphae

Draw and label on LEFT side mycelium fruiting bodies both are composed of hyphae

Fungal Ecology Saprophytic *Decomposers *Dead organic material and waste Parasitic *Harm host *Mostly on plants, some animals Mutualistic *Both benefit *Symbiotic relationships Mycorrhizas Lichens

Yeasts Single celled fungi Adapted to liquids *Plant saps *Water films *Moist animal tissues Candida Saccharomyces

Schizosaccharomyces octospora – fermenter of Palm Wine 10 μm

Molds Rapid growth Asexual spores Many human importances *Food spoilage *Food products *Antibiotics, etc. Fig Antibiotic activity Noble Rot - Botrytis

Mycorrhizas “Fungus roots” Mutualism between: *Fungus – Plant roots Extremely important ecological role of fungi!

“Ecto”mycorrhizas Russula mushroom mycorrhizas on Western Hemlock root Fungal hyphae around root and between cells Mycorrhiza cross sections

Lichens “Mutualism” between *Fungus – Alga

Lichen internal structure Draw on LEFT side Lobaria

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