Matthew Jesus’ Trials After Gethsemane, Jesus was physically weak and exhausted. He was betrayed by a disciple and close friend, Judas. Many, including disciples, forsook Him. Matthew 26:36-46 (see Mosiah 3:7; D&C 19:16-19 Matthew 26:45-50 Matthew 26:55-56 Some of Jesus’ Trials between Gethsemane and the Crucifixion
Matthew Jesus’ Trials People lied about Him. He was accused of blasphemy for telling the truth. He was sentenced to death without a cause. Matthew 26:59-62 Matthew 26:63-65 Matthew 26:66 Some of Jesus’ Trials between Gethsemane and the Crucifixion
Matthew Jesus’ Trials He was spit on, beaten, and mocked more than once. A government leader condemned Jesus to death, though he knew He was innocent. Jesus was scourged (a brutal form of whipping that frequently killed the person). Matthew 26:67-68; 27: Matthew 27:11-26 Matthew 27:26 Some of Jesus’ Trials between Gethsemane and the Crucifixion
Matthew Jesus’ Trials He was stripped of His clothing. The soldiers pushed a crown of thorns onto His head. Matthew 27:28, 35 Matthew 27:29 Some of Jesus’ Trials between Gethsemane and the Crucifixion