KINGDOM PROTISTA most are simple one-celled organisms. - but a few are multicellular. all are eukaryotic. live in moist areas or in water.
Protists can have traits of plants, animals, and fungi. - but are not a plant, animal, or a fungus. Ex. A euglena - it has chlorplasts and a ‘tail’ for movement.
are believed to have evolved from bacteria some can cause disease. dysentary African sleeping sickness malaria are believed to have evolved from bacteria
PLANT-LIKE PROTISTS are known as algae. most live in lakes or oceans and are a food source for other organisms. all have chloroplasts and most have cell walls. - but not all are green!
Algae is classified according to the pigments they have (color). Euglenas p. 212 (Phylum Euglenaphyta) - has traits of both plants and animals.
PLANT ANIMAL can move. has a whip-like tail called a flagellum can absorb food from the water (can live in darkness) has chloroplasts. can make food.
Euglenas have an eyespot. - they can sense light and move towards it
2) Diatoms (Phylum Chrysophyta) golden-brown algae. most common unicellular organism in the ocean. (FOOD) - thousands of shapes. (p. 212)
Their cell walls are made of glass-like silica. - makes a very tough shell made up of two parts.
Diatoms die and fall to the ocean floor. years later - they are mined! - insulation road paint toothpaste
The mined material is called diatomaceous earth.
3) Dinoflagellates (Phylum Pyrrophyta) “fire algae” are red algae. have a flagella which makes it spin.
Dinoflagellates cause Red Tides. - when they reproduce quickly - the water looks red. cause fish kills. they give off a waste which is toxic.
4) Green Algae Phylum Chlorophyta thousands of species. can be multicellular or unicellular
5) Red Algae Phylum Rhodophyta live in deep water. the red (rhodo) pigment absorbs the limited light in the deeper waters. - is multicellular.
Red algae contains carageenan - a ‘thickener’ for foods.
6) Brown Algae Phylum Phaephyta multicellular. Ex. kelp - fastest growing plant. Lecithin - food thickener.
ANIMAL-LIKE PROTISTS (p. 215) called protozoans. (first animal) are unicellular. four types - based on how they move.
1) Sarcodines Phylum Rhyzopoda Ex. amoeba (p. 216) move by using a pseudopod (false foot) are ‘fingers’ of cytoplasm. no real shape always changing.
The pseudopod also captures food. - it ’surrounds’ food particles. - a food vacuole forms around the food and digests it. - the vacuole then moves to the cell membrane and expels the waste.
Some cause disease Ex. amoebic dysentary (from bad water)
2) Flagellates Phylum Zoomastigina move by using a flagella. some have several flagella. Many are parasites. Ex. trypanosoma - causes African Sleeping Sickness
Some live in the gut of termites and help digest wood
3) Ciliates Phylum Ciliaphora move with many small hair-like structures called cilia. most complex of the protozoans. Ex. paramecium
Anal pore Cilia Oral groove
the cilia ‘push’ water into the oral groove to capture food. digested by food vacuoles. nutrients absorbed into the cytoplasm. waste exits out the anal pore. nucleus food vacuole Oral groove Anal pore cilia
Unknown ciliates
4) Sporozoans cannot move on their own. all are parasites. most feed on blood. can cause disease. Ex. malaria -spread by mosquitos
You are responsible to read pp. 218 - 219 - slime molds - water molds
but cannot make their own food. KINGDOM FUNGI (p. 222) Ex. Mushrooms, yeast, bread mold. once placed in the Plant Kingdom. but cannot make their own food.
most form spores. Characteristics: most are multicellular. grow in moist areas. grouped by how they reproduce. most form spores.
Releasing spores…
Fungi decompose organic matter for food. Saprophytes - obtains food from dead organisms or waste. Parasites Ex. Athlete’s foot
1) Zygote Fungi (sporangium fungi) ex. Bread mold (p. 225)
have a spore case called a sporangium. it can release hundreds of spores. sporangium
Hyphae - thread-like structures that absorbs water and nutrients.
2) Sac Fungi ex. yeast, morels. produce spores in a small sac called an ascus. some are destructive ex. Dutch Elm Disease
Yeast can reproduce asexually through budding.
3) Club Fungi Ex. Mushrooms Bracket Fungi Puffball
cap gills Groups of hyphae are called mycelium. stipe hyphae
4) Imperfect Fungi called imperfect because their reproductive cycle is unknown Ex. Athlete’s Foot Ringworm
Some fight disease. Ex. The mold which creates penicillin. It was the first antibiotic. - discovered in 1929 by Alexander Fleming.
are part fungus and part algae. the algae makes the food. Lichens are part fungus and part algae. the algae makes the food. the fungus provides shape, support, and water. MUTUALISM
Lichens often break down rock into soil. by releasing a weak acid. when it dies, it adds to the new soil. (humus)
It is called a pioneer species. the first to live in an area. Ex. The land surrounding an exploded volcano.