Kingdom Protista Biology
Characteristics of Kingdoms KingdomUni cellular Multi cellular Auto trophic Hetero trophic Cell wall No cell wall Eu karyotic Pro karyotic Interesting Fact Archaea bacteria xxxxx Tough!! Live in extreme conditions Eubacteria xxxxx Typical Bacteria. Cause illness and used for food, etc. Very common Protista Fungi Plantae Animalia
What is a protist?
Red tides caused by dinoflagellates
Protists can: Be Unicellular or Multicellular Be Microscopic or very large Be Heterotrophic or Autotrophic Reproduce Sexually or Asexually But… ***ALL ARE EUKARYOTIC*** Have a true nucleus and membrane bound organelles
“Junk Drawer” Kingdom Organisms that are eukaryotic but don’t fit well in other Kingdoms are placed here!
II. Three Groups of Protists A. Animal-like B. Plant-like C. Fungi-like
A. Animal-like Protozoa: Animal like protists Heterotrophic All unicellular
Animal Like Protists-4 types Shapeless protists Flagellates Ciliates Sporozoa
Shapeless protists Phylum Rhizopoda No cell wall Form Pseudopodia Pseudo = fake Pod = foot Extension used for feeding and moving
Flagellates Phylum Zoomastigina Have flagella: a whip like tail used for movement Can be parasites and cause diseases African sleeping sickness Can be helpful Termite guts
Ciliates Phylum Ciliophora Have Cilia: small hair like projections used for movement and feeding
Sporozoans Phylum Sporozoa Most produce spores All are parasites Malaria
B. Plant-like Protists… Algae: Plant like protists Uni or multicellular Autotrophic (photosynthetic) No roots, stems, leaves
Algae: Plant like protists Typically water-related Same function as terrestrial plants 1/3 of oxygen production Base of aquatic food webs
Phytoplankton Typically found near surface of water Diatoms Shells of silica Major part of Mississippi River Food Chain Used in toothpaste, cat litter, etc.
Cont. Dinoflagellates “Red Tides” Produce toxins that are poisonous to vertebrates Phytophthora infestans
Green, Brown, Red Algae Brown and Red often called “seaweed” Green algae “pond scum” Kelp-brown Porphyra-red Spirogyra-green
C. Fungi-like Protists Fungus like protists Decomposers Can move at some time in their life No chitin in cell wall
Slime Molds Appear much like fungus Potato Famine-1840’s Phytophthora infestans. –1 million dead, 1 million left